Flagship Tech Variant project (TL;DR in progress, bear with me, comments welcomed)

By Marinealver, in Twilight Imperium

So this was an idea I threw out back in 3rd edition (right before 4th edition was announced). But again this was taking a look at the standard roll 10 sided dice and simple upgrade to better ship and I was thinking what if there were ways to play around with the upgrade system and combat system a little. So first with the dice. Now Rebellion had an idea that you had 2 different units, small hard to hit targets like infantry and starfighters, and larger but heavier armored targets like walkers and starships. Units had different attack values depending on what they were designed to hit such as Y-wings with a red D6 and storm troopers with black D6. And a hit on a dice was a hit of a unit of that health type. However each 6 was a direct hit which could damage any unit representing a lucky shot like a turbolaser hitting an X-wing or a blaster finding a weakspot on an AT-ST. So similar idea but as a shortcut I decided to use Armada Dice.


I changed the D8 Armada Dice to D10s but to sum it all up Red was for ships, blue was for fighters, and black was for ground forces. Basically a hit was 1 damage on a unit of the same health type, A critical hit could be assigned to any unit type, and an accuracy could be spent to allow the attacker to chose a unit to be hit. Red Armada die has 2 blanks, 1 accuracy, 2 hits, 2 crits and 1 double hit. Blue Armada die has 2 accuracy, 4 hits, and 2 crits. Black Armada Die has 2 blanks, 4 hits, and 2 crit & hit.

Dice.png Twilight_Imperium_Dice_mod_Icons.png

So Some things to go over.

  • Bio : Infantry type unit (Black Dice are good against this)
  • HIT (Bio) : A Hit that is applied to a Bio type unit. Does 1 damage.
  • Storm : Special Result on Black Dice that has specific rules. (See Infantry Combat). Can often lead to count as Direct Hits or have special interaction with specific Action Cards.
  • Flak : Small Fast moving target. Mostly Space Craft but other units fit this type (Blue Dice are good against this)
  • Accuracy : Allows Attacker to allocate a Die Result of their choice to a defending unit corresponding to the Hit type of their choice.
  • HIT (Flak) : A Hit that is applied to a Flak type unit.
  • DIRECT HIT : A Hit in which the attacker can chose which type (Bio, Flak, Hull) it applies to.
  • Hull : Larger Armored type unit. Capital Ships, Structures, and Armored Units. (Red Dice are good against this)
  • HIT (Hull) : A Hit that is applied to Hull type units.
  • CRITICAL HIT : A Hit that is applied first to Hull type units. When applied this counts as 2 Hits against that unit (Ignoring Sustain Damage)
  • Sustain Damage : A Unit that has 2 points of health of the same type. (Flip upside down to show unit has taken a Hit and used Sustain Damage). Taking another hit will destroy this unit. At the end of combat all units with Sustain Damaged are turned upright.
  • Construction : A Constructed Unit. When a hit is assigned to this unit turn it upside down to indicate that it has taken a hit and is knocked out.
  • Knocked out : A Constructed Unit that has taken a hit is knocked out (flip upside down). No more hits can be assigned to this unit and no longer has an attack value. Special rules may still apply. After the combat if the unit still has friendly units remaining (that are not knocked out) then the unit is returned upright. If there are no more remaining friendly units the unit is removed as if in a surrender .

Surrendering and Stalemate

If at any time one side finds out it cannot do any damage to the opposing side, the side that can no longer do damage surrenders . Count all surrendering units as destroyed and return them to reserves. If at any time both sides find out that they can no longer damage each other it is a stalemate . Combat immediately stops and Attacker retreats. If there are any attacking units that cannot retreat then they surrender (destroyed and return to reserves).

I also want to add an option to ship upgrades giving not one but two options to upgrade a unit choosing one type or another. Each unit might specialize in one thing. You could have a Super Dreadnought with 2 red dice attack giving it the potential to destroy 4 ships but it will be helpless against a fighter swarm. So here is the set up with name of unit (color indicates health type) attack value and move value as well as 2 upgrade options. note* (SD) = sustain damage thus requiring 2 hits.


Chassis and Unit

A Chassis is a set of units that apply to a corresponding piece. A Chassis has the same name as their base (Alpha) unit. A Unit refers to a specific configuration to that Chassis through upgrades or Faction specific Signature Units. When a non-flagship non-signature unit is upgraded it will become a different unit but retain the same chassis. Whenever a specific interaction refers to a name that belongs to both to the Unit and the Chassis but does not state which, it is to be assumed that it refers to the Chassis and all units that are encompassed in it. (I.E. the term "Fighter" means Fighter, Interceptor, and Strike Fighter; while the phrase "Fighter Unit" means Fighter and excludes the Interceptor and Strike Fighter and all Signature Units in that Chassis).

  • Anti-Fighter Barrage : Before Combat all of your units with Anti-fighter barrage rolls their blue dice equal to their attack value. Ignore all Accuracy and DIRECT HIT results and count and apply all HIT (Flak) results.
  • Bombardment : At the start of Invasion Combat roll a black die for each ship with Bombardment (or 2 black dice for ships with Bombardment 2 ). Count all Storm results as DIRECT HITS and apply them to defending units on planets. (note: a unit with Planetary Shields on that planet prevents all Bombardment rolls)
  • Planetary Shields : Stops all Bombardment Rolls. Also when defending in invasion combat Infantry Combat may count the first three Storm results as DIRECT HITS.
  • Infantry Combat . When Defending in invasion combat. Infantry may count the 1st Storm Result as a DIRECT HIT . When attacking in invasion combat Infantry cannot count any Storm results without an Action Card. When defending with Planetary Shields defending Infantry may count the first 3 Storm results as DIRECT HITS .
  • Space Cannon: Planetary Units with Space Cannon may add their attack value to Space Combat in the same Hex during the 1st round of combat.
  • Production X: May build units equal to the Resource Value of this planet. ( Production X+2 is 2 more than the resource value of this planet).

(Cost) Chassis and Base Unit Name color is Unit Type ( Health Icons if any ) A tta ck V alu e -Move Value Capacity Value * traits , and special rules

  1. ( Gamma Upgrade Prerequisit ) Gamma Upgraded Unit Name color is Unit Type ( Health Icons if any ) A tta ck V alu e -Move Value Capacity Value * traits , and special rules
  2. ( Delta Upgrade Prerequisit ) Delta Upgraded Unit Name color is Unit Type ( Health Icons if any ) A tta ck V alu e -Move Value Capacity Value * traits , and special rules

(Cost 2 for 1) Fighter 1 Blue - Move -

  1. ( P B ) Strike Fighter 1 Blue or 1 Red - Move -
  2. ( P C ) Interceptor 2 Blue - Move 2

(Cost 1) Bomber 1 Red - Move - (Use TI 3 Destroyer as Proxy)

  1. ( W BB ) Gunship 2 Black - Move - *Storm counts as direct hit.
  2. ( PP B ) Strategic Bomber 1 Red - Move 3 * bombardment

(Cost 3) Carrier 1 Blue - Move 1 Capacity 4

  1. ( P B ) Super Carrier - Move 2 Capacity 8
  2. ( PP ) Attack Carrier 2 Blue - Move 1 Capacity 6

(Cost 1) Frigate 1 Blue - Move 2 * antifighter barrage (I changed the name of Destroyer to Frigate because Destroyer > Frigate. So upgrading frigate to destroyer seems backwards)

  1. ( W P ) Corvette 2 Blue - Move 3 * reroll mine rolls (whenever they make a return)
  2. ( WW ) Destroyer 2 Blue - Move 2 * antifighter barrage

(Cost 2) Cruiser 1 Red - Move 2

  1. ( W P B ) Strike Cruiser 1 Red - Move 3 Capacity 1 * bombardment , can only carry ground forces
  2. ( WW C ) Heavy Cruiser(SD) 1 Blue or 1 Red - Move 2

(Cost 4) Dreadnought(SD) 1 Blue 1 Red - Move 1 Capacity 1 * bombardment , antifighter barrage

  1. ( WW P ) Super Dreadnought(SD) 2 Red - Move 2 Capacity 2 * bombardment
  2. ( CC B ) Battle Barge(SD) 1 Blue 1 Red - Move 1 Capacity 4 * bombardment , antifighter barrage

(Cost Construct and 12) Super Weapon (War Sun unfinished) (SD) (Const) 2 Red - Move - Capacity 3 * prerequisite to Warsun or Doomsday Upgrade

  1. ( WWW C ) WarSun(SD) (Const) 3 Red - Move 1 Capacity 3 * Warsun Bombardment
  2. ( P C BB ) Doomsday Device(SD)(Const) 1 Blue 2 Red - Move 1 * In a non-homeworld non-hazard non-empty system destroy doomsday device replace system with a random hazard system. Can only build 2 per game .

(Cost Construct) Space Dock (Const) - Move - Capacity 3 * space dock rules

  1. ( P C ) Battle Station (Const) 1 Blue or 1 Red - Move 1 Capacity 3 * space dock rules, Places in Space instead of Planets. Does not take up fleet supply if a planet is in the same Hex.
  2. ( CC ) Star Port (Const) - Move - Capacity 6 * space dock rules, may add 2 to the resource value of the planet.

(Cost Construct) PDS (Const) * 1 Blue 1 Red * planetary shield

  1. ( C B ) World Fortress (Const) 2 Blue 2 Red - Move - Capacity 6 * planetary shield , cannot be on same planet as a Space Dock . May produce Planetary Forces and Space Craft.
  2. ( W C ) Ballistic Missile Silo (Const) 1 Blue 1 Red - Move - * May attack ships in adjacent hex or bombard planets in adjacent hex

(Cost 2 for 1) Infantry* 1 black *W hen defending may count the first storm result as a direct hit . When defending with Planetary Shield count the first 3 storm results.

  1. ( BB ) Shock Troops 1 black * When invading a planet count the first there storm result as a direct hit . W hen defending may count the first storm result as a direct hit . When defending with Planetary Shield count the first 3 storm results.
  2. ( W B ) Mechanized Infantry 1 black * W hen defending may count the first storm result as a direct hit . When defending with Planetary Shield count the first 3 storm results. Unaffected by X-89 Bacteria Weapon.

(Cost 2) Armored Regiment(SD) 1 Red - Move - * takes 2 capacity (Mechanized Unit from Shards of the Throne Expansion).

  1. ( W C B ) Assault Walkers(SD) 1 Blue or 1 Red or 1 Black - Move - * takes 2 capacity
  2. ( PP C ) Hovership(SD) 1 Blue 1 Black - Move - * takes 2 capacity, may move to another planet in same hex once the hex is activated. May participate in invasion combat on a different planet in same hex without needing capacity.

Gamma and Delta Upgrades.

The starting unit of each chassis is the alpha unit. Each alpha unit has 2 upgrade options, gamma and delta . To upgrade an alpha unit you must first meet the prerequisites in the upgrade box for one of the configurations below. Prerequisits for the gamma upgrades of that unit will be different than the prerequisites for the delta unit. If a player is able to meet the prerequisites for both upgrade options the player must chose between the gamma or the delta upgrade option. A unit cannot have both gamma and delta upgrades. If a player upgrades (retrofit) an already upgraded alpha unit then the former upgrade is placed back in reserves and all pieces of the chassis reverts to the new unit configuration.

Gamma Upgrades


Delta Upgrades


  • Deep Space Cannon May participate in the first round of combat in any adjacent hex or the same hex as this unit.
  • Space Mines When any ship enters a hex with this unit in it. The player entering that Hex must roll a Red Die for each of their fleet supply and apply all hits to their ships entering that hex. (First with CRITICAL HITS then HITS (Hull) and last all DIRECT HITS must be assigned to any remaining units).
  • Scouting When ever a ship enters a hex with this unit has to roll for any hazard (i.e. Space Mines, Gravity Rift) player may reroll any and all their hazard rolls (only once per interaction).
  • Boarding : Shock Troops and Infantry with the Boarding Action card may at the end of a round of combat board an enemy ship. One of your ships with capacity may make a Boarding Action against a ship of your choice. For each available Infantry unit up to your chosen ships capacity roll a black die Each HIT (Bio) destroys one unit using that ships capacity (regardless of type) up to the target ships capacity value. Each Storm result counts as a HIT(Hull) against that ship. ( note: When Shock Troops Board in conjunction with a Boarding Action card destroys a non-super weapon, non-flagship ship. You may place a unit of the same chassis in your homeworld if you control it).

Super Weapon, Construction, Sustain Damaged

So playing around with super weapon idea and with Accuracy and CRITICAL HIT s Super Weapons such as Warsuns become so vulnerable that it is just a waste of resources to bring them to any big battle. So I change the way to acquire Super Weapons such as a Warsun. To build a Super Weapon you first need to construct the prototype in your home system with the Construction Strategy Card. You have to have the prototype built before researching the upgrade (unlike the other way around). Place the lower half of an un-assembled Warsun in your home Hex. When you finally upgrade the Super Weapon to Warsun or Doomsday Device place the corresponding upgrade card on your Faction Sheet and Assemble the Warsun and place it in your home Hex. The Next Superweapon you can build at any hex you have production on without the Construction Strategy.

When an upgraded super weapon uses Sustain Damage Turn the Warsun on its side. If it is damaged twice instead of destroying the unit the Warsun/Doomsday is knocked out and no longer participates in combat Disasemble the Warsun and place the Top half on the Hex. At the end of combat if the Warsun/Doomsday still has friendly units (or retreats) then all damage is recovered. Reassemble the Warsun and turn it upside. If there are no friendly units left the unit is destroyed and place Warsun back in reserves. During a Boarding Action if a Boarding Action knocks out a Warsun/Doomsday then the unit is placed in reserves regardless of friendly units being present or not.

Faction Specific Signature Units

So here was an interesting discovery I found out. Take all the current units in TI 4th edition, (9 units) add 2 new units (bomber and armored), then multiply the sum by 3 (3 units per chassis, alpha, gamma, and delta), and add the flagship. You get a total of 34 units. Divide 34 by the number of Faction (17) and 34 divided by 17 = 2 units per faction.

So with this mod I have decided to take 2 chassis from each faction and give them their own race specific Signature Units . Signature units are a variant of a unit that only that faction has. They could be a slightly improved variant of the base (alpha) unit without upgrades (beta), or they could be a slightly weaker version of an upgraded Gamma or Delta Unit (lowercase gamma or lowercase delta).

  • Xxicha Kingdom : P.D.S. , Dreadnought
  • Emirates of Hacan : Carrier Attack Carrier , Armored Units
  • University of Jol-Nar : Flagship , (Cheaper Prototype Superweapon)
  • Barony of Letnev : Cruiser Heavy Cruiser , Frigate Destroyer
  • Sardakk N’orr : Armored Assault Walker , P.D.S. World Fortress , Dreadnought I know I took out the Dreadnought just wait I will have Exotrime in other place on that race
  • Sol Federation : Carrier Super Carrier , Infantry Shock Troops
  • Naalu Collective : Fighter Strike Fighter , Dreadnought Battle Barge
  • Mentak Coalition : Frigate Corvette , Bomber
  • Yssaril Tribes : Armored Hovership , Fighter
  • L1Z1X Mindnet : Dreadnought Super Dreadnought , Bomber Gunship
  • Winnu Republic : Space Dock Star Port , Carrier
  • Embers of Muaat : Superweapon Warsun , Space Dock
  • Clans of Saar : Space Dock Battle Station , Frigate
  • Yin Brotherhood : Bomber Strategic Bomber , Cruiser
  • Ghost of Ceres : Cruiser Strike Cruiser , Fighter Interceptor
  • Arborec Solidarity : Infantry , P.D.S. B.M.S.
  • Nekro Virus : Infantry Mechanized Infantry , Superweapon Doomsday Device

Developing Note* The first unit next to each faction are a good match I consider for a signature unit (Beta). The second unit are well left over and ones I have assigned trying to keep in theme and mechanics. I didn't plan on each faction having 2 Signature units. Mainly just one and a few factions will have a 2nd Signature Unit (Epsilon). However after doing the arithmetic and finding a perfect multiple of the number of factions I had to give each faction 2. If there are any unit assignments that you disagree with feel free to leave a comment.

Signature units and unit similarities . Each signature unit is similar to a generic base unit (alpha) or common upgraded unit (Gamma or Delta). Signature units share the same Chassis as their similar units. However they are not considered the same unit as their similar unit. If an interaction names a unit (not chassis) but does not state like or similar units then signature units ignore that interaction. However if it is state (and like) after the unit's name (or names) then the interaction affects the Signature unit.


Upgrading Signature Units

Unlike base generic units (alpha), Signature units (Beta) do not change their unit type when they are upgraded. Instead place the unit upgrade in the cargo to state that you have purchased the upgrade and apply the upgrade rule in that units upgrade block. A Signature unit can have both the gamma and the delta upgrades making them a superiority unit (Omega). Researching the other upgrade does not replace the former upgrade, instead keep both upgrades in cargo to signify that you have fully upgraded the unit.

Sorry No Greek Font

Gamma Symbol : After purchasing the gamma upgrade for this chassis gain this special ability for your signature unit.

Delta Symbol : After Purchasing the delta upgrade for this chassis gain this special ability for your signature unit.

Omega Symbol : Gain this special ability for your signature unit only after you purchase both the gamma and delta upgrades for this chassis.

The Universities of Jol-Nar as you may have noticed don't really have any signature units. (I'd figure they are too good at tech for that). Instead they have a an additional mod slot for their flag ship (4 slots instead of 3) and a cheaper cost on building their first super weapon (by 2). All other races will have 2 unique signature units.


So flag ships tend to fall in one of two categories; you either need them for your faction sheet, or you don't use them unless you are swimming in trade goods after purchasing 2 warsuns. So I took a little mechanic from another 4x game you may have heard of called Eclipse and figured I can use it for flagships.

Flagship Acquisition

Every player starts with their Flagship in their home system. If a flagship ends up destroyed the cost of a new flagship is 4 + the highest tier tech they have researched (regardless if it is in cargo or installed). So for a player with only the base Tier 1 upgrades installed or in Cargo, their Flagship would cost them 5, while a player that has researched Assault Cannon, their flagship would cost them 8.

Flagship modules

So flagships have no upgrades units to say of. Instead each flagship has a generic stat line and 3 module slots (Jol-Nar has 4). Each General Tech upgrade has a Flagship module attached to it. When a new tech is researched it can be placed in cargo or placed in one of the flag ships mod slots. A technology upgrade still applies regardless if it is attached to a mod slot, in cargo, or if the flagship is on the table or in reserves. The Flagship modules only apply to the flagship if they are placed in one of the mod slots. During the technology phase, players may rearrange their flagship modules in any way they see fit. After the technology step all installed modules stay on the flagship.

General Flag Ship mods (attached to tech) Module when attached to flagship

Anti-Ship Firepower (Red Dice)

  • w (Plasma Scoring) 1 Red
  • C (Gravation Laser System) 1 Red or 1 Blue and Bombardment
  • PP (Fleet Logistics) 1 Red and 1 Blue
  • WWW (Assault Cannon) 2 Red and Bombardment 2

Speed (Movement Increase)

  • p (Anti-Mass Deflectors) Movement value is increased by 1 (Cannot be increased further outside of modifications)
  • B (Dacxive Animators) Movement value is now 2 unless already higher (Flagship can move through Special Red Hexes)
  • WW (Duranium Armor) Movement value is increased by 1 (Flagship can move through Hexs with enemy ships)
  • PPP (Light Wave Deflector) Movement value is 3 (Reroll Hazards for Space mines and Red Special Hexs)

Capacity (Capacity)

  • b (Neural Motivator) 2 Capacity
  • W (Magen Defense Grid) 4 Capacity
  • CC (Transit Diodes) 8 Capacity and Transfer Action
  • BBB (X-89 Bacterial Weapon) 10 Capacity and Gen Synthesis for Fighters and (Bio) Units

Anti-Fighter Firepower (Blue Dice)

  • c (Sarween Tools) 1 Blue
  • P (Gravity Drive) 1 Blue Die and Anti-fighter Barrage
  • BB (Hyper Metobalism) 2 Blue Die
  • CCC (Integrated Economy) 2 Blue Die and Anti-fighter Barrage

Well comments, suggestions. We could also alter the armada dice or change them all together. What do you think?

Edited by Marinealver
moved more 3rd edition terms to 4th edition (Tech categories)

I have a feeling that this would make sense to anyone already familiar with Armada and its dice. To be honest, though, I'm completely lost.

On 1/15/2018 at 12:56 PM, pklevine said:

I have a feeling that this would make sense to anyone already familiar with Armada and its dice. To be honest, though, I'm completely lost.

Well it is more from Star Wars Rebellion, I just use Armada Dice because they are 8 sided and closer to the 10 sided dice that TI uses than the D6 that Rebellion Uses.



The one thing that is not in is the card system that rebellion uses. They also just add green dice which were to be more of dual purpose dice. (2 hit any thing and 4 blanks, no green health color).

I guess I could convert the Armada dice to D10 just by adding 2 more blanks and making a chart. Red is for ships/armored targets such as mechanized or installations, blue is for anti-fighter, black is for anti-infanty. Underlined results can be applied to anything. I changed the dice for difrent things.

note* I used a custom Dice App to simulate D10 rolls of the charts. You can find it at the link below.


Accuracy Spend to assign a hit/direct/critical to appropriate unit.

Hit assign to unit of same health color ( Hull / Flak / Bio )

Direct Hit can assign to unit of chosen color

Critical Hit when assigned to a unit (of same color) with sustain damage counts as 2 hits

Storm special interaction depending on unit and or action cards.

  1. miss miss miss
  2. miss miss miss
  3. miss miss miss
  4. miss Accuracy miss
  5. miss Accuracy Hit( Bio )
  6. Accuracy Hit( Flak ) Hit( Bio )
  7. Hit( Hull ) Hit( Flak ) Hit( Bio )
  8. Hit( Hull ) Hit( Flak ) Storm *
  9. Direct Hit Direct Hit Storm *
  10. Critical Hit Direct Hit Storm *

As for the upgrades I think we could do something other than just a standard upgrade. Since Unit upgrades are literally cards we could make an upgrade Option A or Option B allowing you to tailor your fleet to what strategy you want.

Action Cards to Change

So i went through all the action deck and saw the dice modifications to come in. this is how I would change them.

Direct Hit After rolling dice for combat Add a DIRECT HIT to your roll.

Moral Boost At the Start of a round of combat Add an attack dice of any color to this round of combat

Experimental Battle Station After another player moves ships into a system during a tactical action Choose 1 of your Space Docks that is in or adjacent to that system. That space dock now has Deep Space Cannon and +1 Blue & + 1 Red to Attack Value

Bunker At the start of an invasion Reduce the number of Bombardment Dice by 4.

Courageous to the End After one of your ships is destroyed during space combat Roll that ships Attack value and immediately apply damage to opponent

Plague Action : Chose 1 planet that is controlled by another player. Roll 1 Black Die for Each Infantry on that planet. Destroy 1 Bio type unit for each HIT(Bio) result and 1 non- Bio unit for each Storm result rolled.

Fighter Prototype At the Start of the first round of Combat Your fighters gain +1 Blue to their attack value this combat round.

Ghost Ship Action: Place 1 Frigate from your reinforcements in a non-home system that contains a wormhole and does not contain player's ships.

Action Cards to Add

Boarding After casualties taken in a round of space combat Your infantry in space area equal to capacity of one of your ships may attack an enemy ship. Treat Storm results as DIRECT HIT s. If you have Shock Troops and the Ship is Destroyed you may place 1 matching unit from reserves in your homeworld.

Armor Piercing Weapons During Invasion Combat For each unspent Storm result your infantry rolled add 1 Red die to your poll and roll result.

Air Defense Weapons During Invasion Combat For each unspent Storm result your infantry rolled add 1 Blue die to your pool and roll result.

Fighter Screen at the start of space combat You may destroy any number of fighters to cancel 1 HIT(Hull) result for each fighter lost.

Kamakazi After casualties taken in a round of combat Destroy a Bomber and apply a CRITICAL HIT result to your enemy.

Scout Cruiser After you move into a system with a cruiser Your fleet can reroll any hazard result you just rolled with your fleet.

Scramble Action : You may move any number of space craft or planetary forces on one of your carriers to or from an adjacent hex without checking for capacity or fleet support. You may return these units at the end of this action to their starting location.

Brace for Impact After a CRITICAL HIT has been allocated to one of your Dreadnoughts Treat that CRITICAL HIT as a HIT(Hull) result instead.

Migration Action: You may move your Space Dock to an Adjacent Hex or one of your Battle Station to a Hex you activated this round.

High Alert Action: You may remove a activation token from one of your Hex's that contains a P.D.S.

Blitzkrieg At the start of an Invasion combat At the start of Invasion combat before P.D.S. Fire your armored units make their attack. They do not attack the 1st Round of combat.

Does Not Die Easily After your flagship is destroyed Place flagship from reinforcements to a Hex adjacent from which it was lost.

Keep Them In Line During Agenda phase If you have a superweapon add 10 influence to your voting this round.

Edited by Marinealver
changing D10 chart to fit TI odds.
4 hours ago, pklevine said:

I have a feeling that this would make sense to anyone already familiar with Armada and its dice. To be honest, though, I'm completely lost.

Haven’t had much chance to play rebellion myself, nobody around me really took to it, but in brief what it did was divide combat dice into different colors that represented

low power, rapid firing weapons - good for attacking small, fast moving targets like fighters

powerful but slow to aim weapons - good for hitting big lumbering targets like capital ships or at-ats

Different units then had different mixes of dice representing that unit being better at attacking some types of targets than others. Each unit was also identified as to which type of target it was. If I am remembering correctly (and marinealver will correct me if I’m wrong here), dice that were appropriate to the target succeeded on both hit and crit results, while dice that weren’t good against that kind of target only succeeded on the less common crit result.

This system meant that the actual ratio of results on the dice could be the same (or very similar) but because of the color differential the same unit could be good at shooting one thing and bad at shooting another without needing a large range of stats for all the various units.

In TI terms, you could then have a destroyer (for example) which is supposed to be a small ship that is good against fighters and give it just the rapid firing type of die. It would then hit small units like fighters easily, but would be much less likely to damage a dreadnought or warsun since it’s dice would have to come up crits to inflict damage.

I think that covers the basic idea. Like I said, it’s been a while (more than 18 months) since I played rebellion.

On 1/15/2018 at 5:58 PM, Forgottenlore said:

Haven’t had much chance to play rebellion myself, nobody around me really took to it, but in brief what it did was divide combat dice into different colors that represented

low power, rapid firing weapons - good for attacking small, fast moving targets like fighters

powerful but slow to aim weapons - good for hitting big lumbering targets like capital ships or at-ats

Different units then had different mixes of dice representing that unit being better at attacking some types of targets than others. Each unit was also identified as to which type of target it was. If I am remembering correctly (and marinealver will correct me if I’m wrong here), dice that were appropriate to the target succeeded on both hit and crit results, while dice that weren’t good against that kind of target only succeeded on the less common crit result.

This system meant that the actual ratio of results on the dice could be the same (or very similar) but because of the color differential the same unit could be good at shooting one thing and bad at shooting another without needing a large range of stats for all the various units.

In TI terms, you could then have a destroyer (for example) which is supposed to be a small ship that is good against fighters and give it just the rapid firing type of die. It would then hit small units like fighters easily, but would be much less likely to damage a dreadnought or warsun since it’s dice would have to come up crits to inflict damage.

I think that covers the basic idea. Like I said, it’s been a while (more than 18 months) since I played rebellion.

You pretty much got it. The only diffrence is I use Red for powerful but slow, blue for rapid firing flack-ack and black for anti-personnel so splash damage I guess?

However I am also changing the upgrade system and units are now well chassis. A Chassis is named after the base unit. Cruiser Chassis for Cruiser Units and Fighter Chassis for Fighter Units. Each Chassis comes with the base unit (Alpha) and two different unit upgrades (Gama and Delta) that are made for a specialization but theoretically equal in power. The upgrade replaces all base unit in the Chassis and is considered to be the new unit. The base unit can be one (Gamma) or the other (Delta) but never both. Still up in the air about letting people use the technology phase to switch from Gamma to Delta or visa verse.

For Flagships I am making the modular where their upgrade are connected to the universal tech upgrades. They start out a little less than a dreadnought but can become the most powerful ship depending on what mods(technology) you put on it.

In addition I am looking at each faction and am giving them a signature unit. This unit will replace a base unit in one or more of the chassis and either be an improved version of a base unit (Beta) or a slightly weaker version of an upgraded unit (lowercase gamma, or lowercase delta). These signature units have the ability to be upgraded twice by meeting the prerequisits and spending the costs of either upgrade for the chassis. Instead of the upgrade replacing the unit the upgrade confers a bonus or improvement to the signature unit. Thus signature units can research both upgrade (Gamma and Delta) to become one of the most powerful units in that Chassis (Omega).

Counting up all base and upgraded units I have about 33 units (Replaced prototype with flagship). That gives me almost 2 units per faction (1 faction would be left out), Some are a no brainer (Like Interceptors for Nalu and Super Dreadnoughts for L1Z1X) but others take some thought.

Example of a Signature Unit:

Nalu Collective , Chassis Fighter .

(Cost 2 for 1) Crystal Fighter 1 Blue or 1 Red - Move - When Declaring Combat you must declare if your fighters will be Blue type or Red type units.

  1. Strike Fighter upgrade* Add 1 Blue to your attack value
  2. Interceptor upgrade* Your Move value is 2, 2 Crystal Fighters count as 1 fleet supply.
Edited by Marinealver
updating crazy idea

Flagships. So on Flag ships the idea is a custom ship that could be built to just about anything. It starts with a Faction special rule, movement of 1, Sustain Damage. The thing is all the general tech will have a flag ship mod attached to it. So researching tech will eventually upgrade your flagship. Flagship cost is reduced to 4+highest lvl tech you researched So researched a 2nd level tech Flag ship will cost 6 to replace. Also every race starts with a Flag ship.

Flag ships will have a special rule and 3 mod slots, and cargo (Universities of Jol-Nar will have more since their flagship is their signature unit ). Cargo is where you keep your purchase tech all mods attach to tech are inactive in the cargo area. A mod slot can hold only one mod at a time. During Technology phase, players may "refit" their ship moving mods(technology) cards into mod slots or back down to cargo. Technology abilities are always active regardless if they are attached to a mod slot, in cargo or even if a flagship is in reserves.


Keep in mind Flagships start a a cost of 4 plus the highest tech researched . So for most part Flagships are start 5 cost. But if you research a lvl 4 tech they get to be 8 cost (which is the maximum cost).

Flagship Tech

General Flag Ship mods (attached to tech) Module when attached to flagship

Anti-Ship Firepower (Red Dice)

  • m (Plasma Scoring) 1 Red
  • G (Gravation Laser System) 1 Red or 1 Blue and Bombardment
  • PP (Fleet Logistics) 1 Red and 1 Blue
  • MMM (Assault Cannon) 2 Red and Bombardment 2

Speed (Movement Increase)

  • p (Anti-Mass Deflectors) Movement value is increased by 1 (Cannot be increased further outside of modifications)
  • B (Dacxive Animators) Movement value is now 2 unless already higher (Flagship can move through Special Red Hexes)
  • MM (Duranium Armor) Movement value is increased by 1 (Flagship can move through Hexs with enemy ships)
  • PPP (Light Wave Deflector) Movement value is 3 (Reroll Hazards for Space mines and Red Special Hexs)

Capacity (Capacity)

  • b (Neural Motivator) 2 Capacity
  • M (Magen Defense Grid) 4 Capacity
  • GG (Transit Diodes) 8 Capacity and Transfer Action
  • BBB (X-89 Bacterial Weapon) 10 Capacity and Gen Synthesis for Fighters and (Bio) Units

Anti-Fighter Firepower (Blue Dice)

  • g (Sarween Tools) 1 Blue
  • P (Gravity Drive) 1 Blue Die and Anti-fighter Barrage
  • BB (Hyper Metobalism) 2 Blue Die
  • GGG (Integrated Economy) 2 Blue Die and Anti-fighter Barrage

Red Flagship (Full Red Tier) : 2 Red Bombardment 2 , Move 2 move through fleets , 4 Capacity, (1 Red)

  • · Heavy Anti-Ship Firepower
  • · Good Speed
  • · Basic Capacity
  • · Weak Anti-fighter

Blue Flagship (Full Blue Tier) : 1 Red and 2 Blue antifighter , Move 3, 0 Capacity, (+1 Move Max 4 )

  • · Fast Speed
  • · No Capacity
  • · Basic Anti-Ship Firepower
  • · Scouting

Green Flagship (Full Green Tier : 2 Blue , Move 2 move through special Hex , 10 Capacity Gen Synthesis, (Capacity 2)

  • · Immense Capacity
  • · Little Firepower
  • · Bombardment
  • · Average Speed

Yellow Flagship : (Full Yellow Tier) 3 Blue antifighter or 2 Blue and 1 Red and Bombardment , 1 Move, Capacity 8 transfer , (+1 Blue)

  • · Good Anti-Fighter Firepower
  • · Slow Speed
  • · Average Capacity
  • · Support Class

Flagship Attributes sorted by rankings (Best to Worst)

  • Anti-Ship Firepower (Red Dice)

Red , Blue , Yellow , Green

  • Speed (Movement Increase)

Blue , Red , Green , Yellow

  • Capacity (Capacity)

Green , Yellow , Red , Blue

  • Anti-Fighter Firepower (Blue Dice)

Yellow , Green , Blue , Red

Still need to come up with mods for all the Racial Specific Tech. I think for the Racial Specific Tech I'll try and use them to match the 4th edition Flagship stats in terms of combat probability and number of dice. I still need to figure out a more humble beginning start for the flagship since all players will be starting with one and it should be not any more powerful than a dreadnought (it will get bigger though).

Edited by Marinealver
Redo the Tech set up to match current General Tech.

Okay I made some lore to go with the chasis and units. The idea is that each playing piece represents a chassis and that chassis is named after the basic unit (Alpha). The basic unit can be upgraded to fit a specialized role either going with a Gama or Delta Upgrade. One Upgrade is not necessarily more powerful than the other they just do different things.

Ship Category: Chassis ; Carrier , Frigate (AKA Destroyer), Cruiser , Dreadnought


Frigate : The smallest ship intended for interstellar travel is often called a frigate , despite being a relatively common term these ships often come in a huge variety depending on their origin. Some might say no two frigates are alike as manufacturing facilities are as numerous as the number of ships and their cheap cost makes these types of ships plentiful if not uniformed. The commonality these ships share is a cheap cost, light armament that is better suited for use against pirates and raiders that rely on smaller craft, and a modest speed thanks to its light bulk. Many tacticians regard these vessels for roles no more glorious than escort duty and often increase their armament to a military standard. No longer fitting for civilian use Destroyers often protect larger ships from fighter and bomber raids. Still some factions see the value in cheap, small but nimble craft and seek to increase their mobility. These Corvettes may not have the antifighter capabilities of their larger cousins, but their speed and agility make for them great scouts, navigating hazards and pathfinding for larger ships to strike from unexpected vectors.


Cruiser : The most basic military ship, these vessels are armed specifically for ship to ship combat. Fairly affordable, and heavily armed, these fast lightly armored warships seek and destroy the ships of their enemies leaving their fleets in ruin and their armies and local space forces stranded. Some cruisers even come with their own ground forces designed specifically for annexation of neighboring systems. These Strike Cruisers carry a small contingent of infantry either though stasis capsules or other means and improve engines to shorten the duration of the trip to lessen the strain on the expeditionary force. Other military engineers focus on improving the warship design with better armor and more adaptable weaponry. Heavy Cruisers are some of the finest warships in the known galaxy with a perfect blend of speed, armor, and firepower at not too high of a cost too.


Carrier : These transport ships are responsible for delivering ground units and the smaller spacecraft that are incapable of interstellar travel to their intended destinations. Carriers are one of the most valuable ships a race can have and are also the most exposed. If a carrier is destroyed an army might find itself marooned on a distant world. Worse still is if it is destroyed before it reaches its target then the hapless troops inside are scattered among the debris wile returning space craft designed for local flight find they have no place to go. Because of this many have sought to improve the carrier’s armament to discourage and fend off attackers and to provide fire support in combat. These Attack Carriers come with better weapons and higher capacity. Some see the carrier is best when it is configured for purely a transport vessel. These Super Carriers forgo all weaponry in favor of greater support for strike craft or carrying a larger invasion forces.


Dreadnoughts : These massive warships often serve as the flagship and centerpieces of military fleets. Heavy armor and massive armament comes at a price. These Dreadnoughts are not cheap, and if they have any weakness to be considered at all it is their speed. Slow moving they can plow through enemy space shooting down ships both large and small. They can carry a squadron of support craft augmenting their already plentiful firepower, or a small contingent of troops and assault craft to take a nearby planet. All the while their massive batteries supporting the invading forces with punishing planetary bombardments. Some have found a way to make their already formidable armament even more deadly, these rumored Super Dreadnoughts have been said to catch unsuspecting fleets by surprise and whipe them out entirely. In is unclear if they have any weakness at all but all that can be said is there is no known ship that can be expected to match them. Many warlike races still see them as potent invasion platforms and work on improving their capacity into Battle Barges massive battleships that can carry a whole army and conquer entire planets by themselves.

Spacecraft (support) Category: Chassis ; Fighter and Bomber * (*new unit need, TI3 Destroyer as proxy)


Fighter : Many races use small space craft for scouting, ground support, even defense. Although many of these small Fighter craft are incapable of travel they are often carried on larger mother ships that launch them in a moment of need. Their small size makes them ideal for both space combat and support ground troops as well as probing enemy forces. Many nations have forgone the fighter’s smaller weapons and enhanced their weapon capabilities to become Strike Fighters being effective in a bombing run as well. Others see the need for a faster more lethal unit operating independently from ships, giving these Interceptors a hyperdrive and better fighter to fighter armament.

Chasis_2b_Space_Bomber.png note: 3rd ed destroyer

Bomber : Smaller ships launched from larger motherships unlike their slightly smaller cousins the ships are designed to take out larger ships and other armored targets. Slightly more expensive to use many of these small Bombers still require transport ships to ferry them to their targets. Some are configured for planetary assaults. These Gunships are laden with antipersonnel weapons as well as antiarmor rockets are sheer terror to the most harden warriors. Others see the Strategic value these heavily armed support craft have over larger vessels and given these Strategic Bombers a hyperdrive and Orbital to Surface weapons.

Facility Category: Chassis ; Space Dock and PDS


Spacedock : Many industrialized planets have developed their form of space travel. On these planets entire industrial districts have been committed to building craft for the purpose of space travel. Such places have often served as rallying points for military units as well mobilizing and embarking on their Newly commissioned transports or even as a garrison in defense of these vital strategic planets. Sometimes these districts reach the size of cities or even entire continents. These Starports are immense places of travel and production. Prosperous and inspiring, many travelers visit these places in search of wealth, work, or just merely sightseeing as a popular tourist and recreational spot. Some militarized planets have moved these facilities into orbit for quicker production or as a means of defending the world. Battle Stations Orbit a planet from space with supplies being shipped to and from the plane surface either by a giant tether or by means of a constant shuttle system. These militarized stations are often equipped with weapons for defense and even engines in order to relocate to a more strategic position.


PDS : Since the start of the Twilight Wars, many planetary governments had to develop ways to protect their hapless population from the ravages of hostile fleets that loom above. Planetary Defensive Stations or PDS for short is a system of anti-orbital weapons, defensive shields, and entrenchment and defensive positions to protect their cities from raids, invasions, and orbital bombardments. However, as the Twilight Wars escalates and threat of invasion looms closer, many planets have devoted their entire industry and population to defense. These World Fortresses boast massive weapon platforms, bunkers and fighting position. Factories dedicated to military production, and Legions composed of a global populous conscripted into military service. Some planetary rulers have decided that the best defense is a good offense and have adapted their ballistic missiles into that of a long range role. Forgoing protective shields and fortifications, these Ballistic Missile Silos threaten their neighbor’s fleets and cities. Some have even gone as far to lash out at a neighboring system with their destructive weaponry, destroying anything in space or on the planet’s surface.

Planatary Category: Chassis ; Infantry and Armored Units (Mechanized Unit from 3 rd Edition)


Infantry Regiments : The most basic unit of any army is the infantry, however as time have passed, technology develops, and the scale of war expand, many soldiers fight through many difference echelons of the order of battle through mounted on beast of vehicle, attacking from afar or relishing in the up close and intimate bloodshed. The one thing that still remains to this day is if you want to take and hold ground, you need troopers on the ground, the Infantry . With the planets holding domain over space they are composed of the ground in which is needed to be take and held if anyone wants to establish their dominion and influence. Sure ships can travel through space but their crew, their fuel, their sustenance, even the materials that fabricate their hulls all come from the ground. Many races seek to augment their soldiers efficiency and suitability through means of technology. Through troop carrying vehicles or armed drones operating autonomously or controlled remotely by an operator, Mechanized Infantry isn’t as vulnerable to the vast and sometimes cruel array of weapons designed to end life, although they often find themselves susceptible to other things. Still some races take great pride in their martial prowess of their warriors. Either through ritual indoctrination, tactical doctrine, genetic or cybernetic enhancement, Shock Troops can be found on just about any battlefield, seizing key ground, destroying enemy equipment, even taking part in daring boarding actions. These super soldiers have been known for their efficiency even taking ships and faculties undamaged to be used by the victors against their foes.

Chasis_4b_Planet_Armored.png note: Shards Mechanized Unit

Armored Batallions : Sometimes army size doesn’t matter as much when compared with what the army is equipped with. Historically ground soldiers have been accompanied by mounted soldiers, on top of a massive beast, inside a vehicle, or even goading a giant organism to accompany them. These Armored Corps can shrug off attacks that would leave the common foot soldier mortally wounded. Often supported by their more numerous light infantry, the bulk and logistics needed be it extra food, fuels, munitions, or supplies for maintenance and repair can make deploying these formations rather tricky without the aid of dedicated transports. Some armies through innovation or sheer desire to field an imposing weapon looming down on their enemies. Assault Walkers often tower above the battle field armed with an array of anti-personnel, anti-air, and anti-armor weaponry there is no foe they cannot defeat. Many generals see the biggest challenge when fighting on the ground is still the terrain as the ground has a tendency to jut up blocking both movement, sight, and firepower. The simplest solution is to go over it, but instead of relying on fragile fighters and bombers some armies have developed atmospheric Hoverships to rise above the battlefield, and rain down destruction on their foes. Some of these battle-airships can even go out into orbit and the depths of space inside their system moving to and from between nearby planets.

Special Category: Chassis ; Flagship, Superweapon (AKA Warsun)


Flagships : Each of the great nations have fashioned themselves a Dreadnought that fits their strategic doctrine and serves as a centerpiece for their own fleets. Flagships are as diverse as ever and it can be said that no too flagships are alike. Their namesake is synonymous with the pride of the nation that built it and often said ships are kept in service, either refitted to modern standards. In the rare case that a flagship is destroyed or even decommissioned often the namesake will transfer over to a ship of a newer class and thus be rebranded as the new incarnation of the pride of the nation’s fleet.


Superweapons : Dreadnoughts may be the largest known weapon in space, but rumors that have travelled through the dark void whispers of nightmarish terrors that exist. The Hylar in secret have been know to develop something called a Warsun a massive battle station the size of a small moon, yet with an armament that can cut through even the most robust planetary shields. Still no one knows what became of it after the Gashlai rebellion. Even more horrifying is a sailor’s tale of a Doomsday Device that has been wondering around the galaxy eating up whole systems and stars leaving nothing but scared space that is dangerous to travel. Still with the loss of much navigation data it is likely the ship they were on got lost in a stellar phenomenon somewhere and the system remains yet to be rediscovered after the twilight wars. Still many scholars have theorized the possibility of a weapon so dangerous it is never to be used unless as a last result destroying both warring factions causing neither side to win a war.

Edited by Marinealver
adding in units

Well did some MS pain for the graphics of some of the icons I will be putting on the Faction sheet and the custom D10 (Decided the D8 from Armada was not enough). Slight teaser though.

So Space Combat goes.

  1. Before Combat abilities used (such as Nalu Special)
  2. Declare Retreats
  3. Anti-fighter Barrage (All units with anti-fighter barrage roll their blue dice and count all HIT(flak) results. Apply those hits to units of the same color (owner chose casualties). If both sides have anti-fighter barrage this happens simultaneously. Do not remove fighters until all anti-fighter barrage dice are rolled.
  4. PDS Fire Space cannons if able.
  5. Attacker set up attack die pool
    1. Declare number and type of dice. Some units have different rules in regards to dice effect. Roll those in a separate poll.
    2. Roll dice and see results
    3. Declare number of hits of each type ( Critical , Hull , Flak , and Bio ). Direct hits may be counted as either a Hull , Flak , or Bio type hit.
    4. Attacker may spend accuracy results to assign hits.
    5. Defender assigns remaining hits left to units of same type. Critical Hits are assigned the Hull units first. If a critical hit is assigned to a unit with sustain damage it counts as 2 hits (destroys unit).
    6. Set casualties aside so defender can return fire. If all units of a single type are declared casualties and there are still remaining hits of the same type all excess hits of the corresponding type are discarded.
  6. Defender returns fire (Defender repeats step 4)
  7. Remove Casualties,
  8. Move units from space to 1 planet or from 1 planet to space or perform 1 boarding action.
    1. Declare one ship with capacity used for ground forces to board another ship.
    2. If boarded ship has capacity and is carrying infantry they may roll their attack die. For each Hit(Bio) remove one Boarding Unit (regardless of type).
    3. Attacking Boarders may roll their attack dice, Hit (Bio) are applied to Capacity (Regardless of Type). Storm results counts as Direct Hits and are applied to the Boarded ship. Once all capacity and the boarded ship are casualties, all excess hits (including those from Storm results) are removed.
    4. Boarding Action Card played with Shock Troop Units allows capture of boarded ship. If destroyed and all capacity is cleared place one ship of the same chassis in Home system ( Does not apply to Flagships or Superweapons ).
  9. Retreating units leave hex.
  10. If both sides have units renaming resume another round of combat.

Invasion Combat happens after Planet combat.

  1. Declare Invading units (Ship's capacity. Number of planetary and Space Craft invading).
  2. Declare Retreats (if any are possible)
  3. PDS Fire, If there is a PDS skip to step 4 unless there is a Warsun. If no PDS proceed to step 3.
  4. Roll for bombardment. Roll a black die on each ships bombardment value. Storm results count as Direct Hits. Assign hits to units and remove units as casualties or constructed units that are knocked out (attack value reduced to 0).
  5. Invading Force Roll attack dice.
    1. Declares number of dice to be rolled (some units may roll the same type of dice but have different effects, roll those dice separately).
    2. Attacking Infantry units do not count Storm results without aid of specific Action Cards. Shock Troopers may count up to 3 Storm results as Direct Hits in the first round of combat. Mechanized Infantry may cont storm results as a Hit(Bio) .
    3. Declare number of hits of each type ( Critical , Hull , Flak , and Bio ). Direct hits may be counted as either a Hull, Flak, or Bio type hit.
    4. Attacker may spend accuracy results to assign hits.
    5. Defender assigns remaining hits left to units of same type. Critical Hits are assigned the Hull units first. If a critical hit is assigned to a red unit with sustain damage it counts as 2 hits (destroys unit).
    6. Set casualties aside so defender can return fire. If all units of a single type are declared casualties and there are still remaining hits of the same type all excess hits of the corresponding type are discarded.
  6. Defender Rolls attack dice
    1. Defending Infantry may treat the first Storm result as a Direct Hit but ignore all other Storm results unless an effect from an action card is given. Mechanized Infantry may treat all other Storm results as Hit(Bio) .
    2. If Planetary Shield is in effect then Defending infantry may treat the first 3 Storm Results as Direct Hits .
  7. Remove Casualties
  8. Retreating units may leave planet.
  9. If both sides still have unit on planet resume another round of combat.


Mechanized Infantry (and other Ground Forces) with Sustain Damage .

Hits(Hull) must be assigned to a damaged Mechanized Infantry unit before being assigned to an undamaged Mechanized Infantry unit.

Critical Hits Must be assigned to an undamaged Mechanized Infantry before being assigned to a damaged Mechanized Infantry unit.


Edited by Marinealver
made dice

Okay got a lot to work at.

Anyways here is a very rough draft of a faction sheet with this concept in mind. I might have to go to each faction sheet and start just blanking out all the data so I can put them together without looking as bad as this monstrosity. Then I still have to do the Upgrades, Technology and Flag Ship mods, and Faction Specific Signature units. Plus I realize that I am going to have to modify some action cards as well. :unsure:


Anybody know of Strange Eons mod for Twilight Imperium 4th Edition? :wacko:

So just to sum up some of the changes and concepts in my variant project. I will finish this that is if an expansion doesn't beat me too it.

  1. Flagships will be modular in terms of stats with the mods being attached to upgrades. Cargo is a holding area for all tech. Flag ship will have a unique ability and 3 mod slots (Jol-Nar has 4). Also racial tech will have their own unique mod. Tech is always active regardless of location or flagship status.
  2. Flagship will cost 4+ highest tier of tech researched. So starting =5 and tier 4 = 8.
  3. Combat will now use pictograph D10s (as seen in many FFG Star Wars games). Pictograph dice will represent combat results, damage, and other things. Racial abilities, action cards, and upgrades that were designed for numbered D10 will be edited to accommodate variant.
  4. Units now have a type and sustain damage is shown as a double icon representing it takes 2 hits of the same type assigned to that unit, some results may cross unit types and some result may count as 2 hits to a single unit.
  5. 2 New Units, Bombers (Use TI 3rd Edition Destroyers) and Armored Battalions (Use TI3: Shards of the Throne Mechanized Units) have been added. Each for a certain roll in combat.
  6. Units now have 2 different upgrade options, Gamma and Delta. A unit can be upgraded to one or the other but not both. If so replace the other upgrade in a refit (tech) action.
  7. not shown Each Faction will have 2 signature units . Signature units are variants of units that are unique to the faction. They have 2 upgrade options that does not replace the unit (instead put the upgrade card in the cargo area to show it was researched). Both upgrades can be researched into an ultimate unit. (Universities of Jol-Nar is an exception with their signature unit as the flagship with an additional mod slot, also it is likely they will be able to upgrade all their units).
  8. Changed Destroyer to Frigate. Destroyer will be an Upgraded Frigate. Reasoning is simple; Destroyer > Frigate. So you upgrade a Frigate into a Destroyer not the other way around.

Well this is what I have so far, What do you think? (I think I am going crazy :blink: )

Edited by Marinealver
Made a better image

So I stayed up late for many nights (except for those I had to work late) and finished the different colored templates I can use to make future faction sheets.


I also finished the upgrade units for both Gamma and Delta Upgrades.


and delta


Stuff I still need to do (besides the other 16 factions) :blink:

  • Still need to finish the Signature Units (2 per faction) outline.
  • Need to finish adding flagship modules to general tech upgrade cards (and adjust tech upgrades if needed)
  • Alter or make new Action Cards for stuff like Fighter Screens (Allows Fighters to take Red Hit Hull to protect other ships) and Direct Hit (to just add a Direct hit)
  • Need to figure out starting stats (Attack Die, Capacity, Move) for all the flag ships and then Flag Ship modules for their Racial Tech upgrades.

But that is enough for now. Good night. -_- -zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Edited by Marinealver

Got the Naalu Collective Faction sheet including signature units (Fighter gamma and Dreadnought delta). Signature units are either a Beta, or lowercase gamma/delta unit. Signature units are also special because unlike standard units (alphas) they can be upgraded twice (Omega). This is my concept of signature units. I found out that with 2 new units there is enough different units to give each faction 2 signature units. The first unit (Beta) is a no brianer, the second one for each race I am not sure but I have an idea on how to make them different.

  • Xxicha Kingdom : P.D.S. , Dreadnought
  • Emirates of Hacan : Carrier Attack Carrier , Armored Units
  • University of Jol-Nar : Flagship , (Cheaper Prototype Superweapon)
  • Barony of Letnev : Cruiser Heavy Cruiser , Frigate Destroyer
  • Sardakk N’orr : Armored Assault Walker , P.D.S. World Fortress , Dreadnought I know I took out the Dreadnought just wait I will have Exotrime in other place on that race
  • Sol Federation : Carrier Super Carrier , Infantry Shock Troops
  • Naalu Collective : Fighter Strike Fighter , Dreadnought Battle Barge
  • Mentak Coalition : Frigate Corvette , Bomber
  • Yssaril Tribes : Armored Hovership , Fighter
  • L1Z1X Mindnet : Dreadnought Super Dreadnought , Bomber Gunship
  • Winnu Republic : Space Dock Star Port , Carrier
  • Embers of Muaat : Superweapon Warsun , Space Dock
  • Clans of Saar : Space Dock Battle Station , Frigate
  • Yin Brotherhood : Bomber Strategic Bomber , Cruiser
  • Ghost of Ceres : Cruiser Strike Cruiser , Fighter Interceptor
  • Arborec Solidarity : Infantry , P.D.S. B.M.S.
  • Nekro Virus : Infantry Mechanized Infantry , Superweapon Doomsday Device


So the one thing I found out with my combat system is it takes away the fighter screen. So Carriers are a little more vulnerable and less likely to engage in combat. So the Naalu corrects that in terms of their Crystal technology which allows them to use their fighters to screen their ships so you don't need frigate/destroyer/corvette shields for your big ships.

It still is crazy what I am trying to do here, but I am going to keep at it. No need for a straight jacket yet, just a padded room and a copy of Twilight Imperium 4th Edition please.

Edited by Marinealver

Well did Hacan and Mentak.



Still need to attach a flagship mod to their racial tech.

Also need to look at action cards and change them for this combat system.

Now L1Z1X and Letnev the fleet has arrived.



Sorry if you can't read the letters on the signature units. I may try and enlarge them a little. MS Paint and FFG forums are not the best in pictures.

Now a contest between the Civilized and the ones who many deem uncivilized.



note: Winu and Sol Carriers were mixed up. I have fixed that.

Got the Sardakk N'orr to answer how I would convert the +1 to rolls on a pictograph die without numbering them. (For Jol-Nar just see above).


Halfway done with the faction sheets.

Then I need to do the Technology Cards and the Action Cards.

Still growing (yeah I could not resist that pun)


Edited by Marinealver

Let me know if you have trouble reading the text, MSPaint saved as JPEG is not the the best set-up.

Okay felt a little sick last week so had to take it easy and classes have just started.

You may notice some additions such as Flagship in the starting units. I have retroactively changed the rest but haven't uploaded them yet.



note: I got the Winu and Sol Carriers mixed up. I have fixed that.


I think this might be better placed in something like Table Top Simulator. Getting the models and tokens and dice might be easier than setting up a chart or asking players to proxy their own.

Edited by Marinealver
removed broken images

Had to reupload some of the images that were broken. But now got all the faction sheets modified. (Thinking Table Top Simulator might be better for this)





Okay, so now I need to work on the technology cards and get the Flagship modules on them. Then I get to work on some of the action cards such as Direct Hit and possibly make a few new ones like Fighter Screen giving your fighters the ability to soak HIT (Hull) damage protecting your ships, Kamakazi for Bombers, and a few other action cards for infantry combat.

Still polishing up the race mats, and setting up units for better presentation.

Also realized that because may racial tech are for their unique racial units I have to make at least 8 new racial technologies. Looking at 3rd edition for inspiration. Seeing how I can add them in. May even add a few more to help with the technology path. The tech path system is very malleable.

Also there is a political card that needs editing to follow the pictograph dice mechanic.

Political Cards The owner of this card can add one die of any color in combat where his fighters is involved.

Edited by Marinealver