in the first game I actually played with other people.
it was observed that people were getting annoyed by the slow pace of the game.
the fact that each player only gets a maximum of 2 actions per turn was frustrating, because like, if one of us wanted to explore a certain ruin, we would frequently find ourselves exactly 3 spaces away and then we would have to use up both of our actions just to get there only to have to wait until the next turn to draw the encounter card.
same thing with quests that required a quest action, frequently, we would end up having to wait until the next turn to perform the quest action.
another annoyance is something like..the raider camp. I have to spend a movement to get there and there's a raider on it, I have to spend an action to kill the raider, it immediately respawns on the spot upside down and then my turn is over, and then in between the turns, an agenda card activates the raider, flipping him back over and now when it gets back to my turn, I have to spend ANOTHER action to kill the new raider, then spawn yet another raider in upside down, and finally I can encounter the raider camp and draw a card.
I see why they did this, it was to try and give the other players a chance to reach a quest objective first and get it before the other player.
I know that there is the action boy/girl perk to gain an extra 2 actions but only one person can ever hold that at any given time and it can be tricky to get your hands on it, you have to level up at just the right time and then draw the right letter.
one player suggested that it would have been nice if we had more action points or something like the original fallout games where you could have between 1-10 action points depending on what your stats and equipment were.
would it break the game if we house ruled it in that everyone gets 3 actions per turn?
or maybe that if someone were to have an "A", then it allows them to move 1 extra space per turn?
I mean, the BOS Outcast seems to be at a clear disadvantage in this situation, yeah I know that the outcast can spend 1 cap to get their full movement and I guess it is assumed that they will be killing more enemies and therefore getting more loot and therefore getting more caps, but still, +1 movement for having the "A" would be nice.
and the other thing is that, we sit there for 4 hours playing the game and then time runs out because the factions reach the bottom of the chart, but we didn't even get through all the storyline quests because it takes too long to cross the map.
I know its 'my" game and I can make any house rule I want but I just want to know what ya's think, would it break the game to give everyone more actions or movement points per turn?
having 3 actions would get us to quest objectives more quickly and allow us to actually "see" all the content...
(someone even suggested not even playing with the faction timer but then I was like...then how do we know when the game ends? I know there are the influence cards and that's how you know who wins but most of them are tied to the faction meter...)