RtL Treachery

By Peebstar, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I'm just a little confused about Lieutenant encounters and treachery. I know that if I have used exp. to get treachery and bought cards with said treachery, I can add them to my base deck (with appropriate swap-outs).

In a lieutenant encounter, do I :

1) Get to pick those cards out of my OL deck and use them or

2) Use unspent treachery and purchase them out of my OL deck/unbought treachery deck?

If 2 ) is the case, since you only get a set amount of each treachery, why would you waste treachery (which are quite expensive) on one-offs with lieutenant encounters instead of purchasing them for your OL deck and getting the chance to use them every dungeon?

Plus, I wouldn't be able to justify buying the card BACK out of my OL deck when I've already paid for it once. Seems silly.

I believe after every dungeon you're supposed to be putting the Treachery cards back in their Treachery decks, just like you would at the end of a quest. Then at the beginning of a dungeon, you make your Treachery purchases/swapping cards, etc. Just like at the beginning of a quest.

So with a Lt encounter, your Treachery decks should be full, and you make your purchases.


Also you don't waste treachery by buying them for a lieutenant encounter. You just buy treachery overall, like a monster upgrade, to have a budget, which you get at the start of every lieutenant encounter and every dungeon. So I buy one red treachery. The heroes fight my lieutenant. I decide to take Legions of the Dead, worth one red treachery, into my hand at the start of this encounter, meaning I've maxed out my budget (1/1). The encounter ends, I put the card back into the treachery deck. I buy another treachery, say a green one. The heroes enter a dungeon. I now get to choose one red and one green treachery card to put into my deck for this dungeon. Dungeon ends, I put them back in the pile. And so on. You don't lose treachery when you use it and you don't buy cards out of your deck. You constantly swap cards in and out, at your leisure, up to your purchased budget.

OHHHH ok i see so you never lose once you have it. This makes much more sense and makes me much happier. Any treachery cards to focus on being the Sorcerer King besides Crushing blow and say Legions of the dead? Too bad he has the most points in trap. They're my least favourite :(

I started with Legions of the Dead, but skeletons lost their punch in gold, where I started using Sorcerer Circle and Dark Brotherhood (Dark Priests) more if I remember correctly. I maxed my green (events) treachery for Danger, Crushing blow and Enrage, among other good cards, and got a point or two of trap treachery for an additional Dark Charm.

Peebstar said:

OHHHH ok i see so you never lose once you have it. This makes much more sense and makes me much happier. Any treachery cards to focus on being the Sorcerer King besides Crushing blow and say Legions of the dead? Too bad he has the most points in trap. They're my least favourite :(

They won't be later on. Playing Crushing Block + Spiked Pit with Trap Master out is a favorite play of mine. ^_^

...Or using a Mimic to have a treasure chest flee from he party.

Every time my players open a chest they groan "...and here comes another **** mimic".

Having them waste their time getting in position to trap the thing is worth playing the card alone. Let alone occasionally offing the hero foolish enough to mess with MY treasures.

Get out "Evil Genius" and "Trap Master" and watch how miserable the heroes' lives become. Plus, unlike monsters, you don't have to dump 15 threat into being able to use another card. I tend to hold on to what I feel will be the most useful spawn card I have, and dump the rest off for added treachery.

Interesting, I was under the impression that (according to the rules):

Overlord Cards and Threat in Encounters

The overlord begins a combat encounter with zero threat and no Overlord cards. In fact, the Overlord deck is not used during outdoor encounters, even when lieutenants are encountered.

Now wouldn't this mean that treachery is unused during Lieutenant encounters?

You are correct.

I guess we got all wrapped up in the treachery aspect of the question, and forgot that the question was in regards to an encounter.

Boy do I feel dumb...

Fizz said:

Interesting, I was under the impression that (according to the rules):

Overlord Cards and Threat in Encounters

The overlord begins a combat encounter with zero threat and no Overlord cards. In fact, the Overlord deck is not used during outdoor encounters, even when lieutenants are encountered.

Now wouldn't this mean that treachery is unused during Lieutenant encounters?

In Road To Legend, you do use Overlord Cards in Lieutenant Encounters. Third paragraph on page 16 that starts "Second, the overlord gains access to a small number of cards in an encounter when a lieutenant is involved." explains in detail how cards are used in Lt encounters.

They are not, however, used in Lt encounters in the Sea of Blood. Go figure...


I'm kinda depressed because in my campaign, I am runnign with Captain Bones, who only has 2 Trap Treachery, so at no point in the campaign will I ever hear my players say "Good god, is that a fu*&ing BOULDER?!?!" At least I can buy a dart field.

shnar said:

In Road To Legend, you do use Overlord Cards in Lieutenant Encounters. Third paragraph on page 16 that starts "Second, the overlord gains access to a small number of cards in an encounter when a lieutenant is involved." explains in detail how cards are used in Lt encounters.

They are not, however, used in Lt encounters in the Sea of Blood. Go figure...


Road to Legend is sooo last year. It's all about the Sea of Blood now!

I know, except that the *topic* of this thread is "RtL Treachery" ;)


Fizz said:

I'm kinda depressed because in my campaign, I am runnign with Captain Bones, who only has 2 Trap Treachery, so at no point in the campaign will I ever hear my players say "Good god, is that a fu*&ing BOULDER?!?!" At least I can buy a dart field.

If it gets clarified in the FAQ that the fu*&ing boulder was not meant to be used in SoB either then you don't have anything to be sad about. ^_^