Bodhi and spotters set up an alpha strike

By Admiral Deathrain, in X-Wing Epic Play

Here is a neat combo that I saw when building some Rebel Transport lists (has nothing to do with the transport, though): Bodhi, some PS1 A-Wings, and some ordnance carriers at as high PS possible.Your A-Wings speed into the enemy to provide spotting for your torpedoes, who can than be entirely free with their chosen speed to be in an advantageous potition for an alpha strike. It's like Deadeye, but overly complicated and cool!

I approve of trying to make the A-wing Slash work....

Ultimately, Bodhi's not a bad buy for epic; at not much more expense than an X-wing, he hands an ability which makes generic ordnance carriers work nicely without needing long range scanners or deadeye.

Also not bad is Carlist Riekan. Discard him to allow your whole squad to activate at PS 12 for one activation phase. Get to a place where the enemy thinks he can get his harpoon locks on you that turn and then pop him to move last. Now you can get some free shots in and take out some of the ordnance carriers before they can unleash on you.

The two together would be very annoying to play against.

Why stop at Epic?

Prototype Pilot - Chaardan Refit (15)
Bodhi Rook - Pivot Wing, Proton Torpedoes. Guidance Chips (29)
Gold Squadron Pilot - Ion Cannon Turret, Proton Torpedoes, Flight Assist Astromech, Guidance Chips (28)
Gold Squadron Pilot - Ion Cannon Turret, Proton Torpedoes, Flight Assist Astromech, Guidance Chips (28)

Speed the Protoype down a flank and slow roll in with the big shield and hull brick. I reckon you could really surprise a few people with this list or a variant. A heavy alpha followed by close ion control, so you have the best of both worlds. FAA also makes Y-Wings surprisingly maneuverable nimble.

Edited by FTS Gecko

Thats totaly my next list. I love FAA Y-Wings and this pairing is just too hot to be true. Just don't forget the title! :D