How Many Starfighters?

By Darth Meanie, in X-Wing Epic Play

One of the reasons I like to play at 300 points is the shear number of ships on the board. I know a lot of people say Epic Isn't Epic Without a Huge, but then 1/2 your list jut became a capital ship.

So, what do people's lists look like? Do you have one Huge and only a few others, or do you go with swarms?

I will say that if we are going to mandate a Huge for the battle (because we love 300 points without a Huge), we often bump the night's point cap to 350-400.

With my group, the Imperial side has so far featured a Raider (or two) every time. The opposing forces have perhaps 75% of the time have one (or rarely two) of the support-sized Epic ships. So that each list on average has between six and eight fighters in support, usually flown as two squads of the same ship and an Ace or two.

Wednesday's game (for example) had a Raider kitted out to 150 points, Jendon, Howlie and Mauler and four BlackCracks, versus a Transport, two Resistance Bombers and a Scurgg, and Poe and two Snap A's, and Fenn. And the Rebels kicked the Imperials pretty hard, 300 - 200 (-ish).

A few weeks ago, it was a Raider, Inquisitor, and another six various TIEs, versus two C-ROCs, three Scyks, three Zeds, BroBots, and something.

Months (over a year?) ago, it was two Raiders versus Rey, Norra, Miranda, Bossk, two Y's, and two Scyks.

8 smalls 1 large and 1 gozanti

12 smalls and 1 gozanti

5 smalls 1 large and 1 raider

11 smalls 1 large and 1 croc

Those are my average breakdowns at 300pts don't need to cut huge ships to have lots of fighters just pick the good ones for epic. Ps2 Tie aggressors with lwf and ugr are cheap as chips and hit hard enough. Ditto with ugr bombers. Ps2 tie adv with atc are great on gozantis and again pretty cheap. And of course gunboats. From 22pt harpoon boats to 27 pt mangler/flechette slamboats you can fit lots of these in next to a huge.

On scum side a croc carrying jabba maul the turret and optimized pairs very well with a big swarm of z95s with hotshot blaster and munitions failsafe. 16 pts each for 3dice turrets that you get 2 hits out of before they fall off. You can fit 15 beside that croc.

Sometimes quantity is a quality all its own in epic.

Edited by Dabirdisdaword
6 hours ago, Darth Meanie said:

One of the reasons I like to play at 300 points is the shear number of ships on the board. I know a lot of people say Epic Isn't Epic Without a Huge, but then 1/2 your list jut became a capital ship.

So, what do people's lists look like? Do you have one Huge and only a few others, or do you go with swarms?

I will say that if we are going to mandate a Huge for the battle (because we love 300 points without a Huge), we often bump the night's point cap to 350-400.

I mean, the small huges solve that issue, right?

2 Gozantis plus 8 Tie Interceptors.

Played against: C-ROC plus 2 brobots, 2 protectorates, and a pile of HLC Scyks. (Lost due to poor flying.)

Then against a Raider plus 3 bombers and 2 defenders. (Won due to good flying and amazing dice.)

And then against 6 fully kitted out bounty hunters - Boba Fett, 3 brobots, Fenn Rau, Dengar. (Won, but it was close. Brobots are very good indeed!)

For casual games, we agree on a points total and designate how many must be spent on huge ships. E.g. 500pts with 200pts min of huge.

I’ve really only played proper epic as the rebels so far. I typically build up a cr90, Roark in his hwk for suppprt, and 4-6 other small base ships depending on base chassis and ps skill. I like bringing ordnance because it works well against all types of ships, and my CR90 focuses on whittling out the lower agility stuff.

When I flew my c-roc, it was in the built in campaign so it was c-roc plus tons of small base rebel and scum ships and a single jumpmaster. I’d probably either do a mix of small and large or figure out some other plan in a no faction crossing standard epic game.

I have yet to get my Gozanti out there :( and my GR75 I have retired to just HotAC because when I fly rebel I just enjoy the cr90 so much more. Don’t have a raider yet.

I think for empire, I want a pair of tie/D, my two gunboats in the missile title config, the Gozanti will probably hold back Omega Leader and another FO or two since it’s legal. OL just sounds hilarious in the late game once the ordnance is deployed and the ships have dropped in number. Maybe some bombers or a bomber and a punisher with minefield mapper because troll. I can use cheaper interceptors for filler if I still am not at 300 points.

My Epic squad is Gozanti, 8 small base, 1 large base.

The best squad I've run must often is Rebel 2 huge and 6 small.

I definitely prefer a higher ship count, but I like playing the huge ships because 1) the energy mechanic is engaging, and 2) there are some really cool crew and cargo upgrades that you can't fly without a huge ship.

Ooh! Once I flew a Raider and 9 small ships...but I got demolished.

I like to fly as many small base ships as I can after kitting out a Raider. My Raiders usually run to 130-150 points, which leaves me room for a TIE swarm with Howlrunner and an ace like Soontir looking something like this:

Raider-class Corvette (Aft) (50)
Weapons Engineer (3)
Rear Admiral Chiraneau (3)
Cluster Missiles (4)
Harpoon Missiles (4)
Sensor Team (4)
Gunnery Team (4)
Supercharged Power Cells (3)
Ordnance Tubes (5)
Instigator (4)

Raider-class Corvette (Fore) (50)
Harpoon Missiles (4)
Ordnance Experts (5)
Engine Booster (3)
Ordnance Tubes (5)

"Howlrunner" (18)
Swarm Tactics (2)
Stealth Device (3)

Black Squadron Pilot (14)
Crack Shot (1)

Black Squadron Pilot (14)
Crack Shot (1)

Black Squadron Pilot (14)
Crack Shot (1)

Black Squadron Pilot (14)
Crack Shot (1)

Black Squadron Pilot (14)
Crack Shot (1)

Black Squadron Pilot (14)
Crack Shot (1)

Soontir Fel (27)
Push the Limit (3)
Stealth Device (3)
Autothrusters (2)
Royal Guard TIE (0)

Total: 299

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I love running Imperials for Epic. You can do the same with Rebels, but Z-95s are lame and can’t Crackshot off Reinforce token results.

You can save 5 pts by removing one of those Ordnance Tubes - you only have one modification slot, although many squad builders let you put one on each half.

I try to keep my CR90 light and fit in the GR75 or the Ghost (which should be huge ship)

I like to run a large base as a blocker, scrappy, knife fighter right into the middle. So I’ll run the Ghost, or sub in U-wing in a similar build. If I bring the U-wing, I will bring more Y-wings.

I always bring a trio of X-wings. In epic, they are powerful. Graven leads them passing off focus tokens.

Epic Rebel (299)

CR90 Corvette (Aft) (47) - CR90 Corvette (Aft)
Shield Technician (1), Quad Laser Cannons (6)

CR90 Corvette (Fore) (67) - CR90 Corvette (Fore)
•Dash Rendar (2), Quad Laser Cannons (6), •Dodonna's Pride (4), Optimized Generators (5)

•Garven Dreis (28) - X-Wing
•R2-D6 (1), Integrated Astromech (0), Rage (1)

Red Squadron Pilot (24) - X-Wing
R2 Astromech (1), Integrated Astromech (0)

Red Squadron Pilot (24) - X-Wing
R2 Astromech (1), Integrated Astromech (0)

•"Chopper" (46) - VCX-100
Fire Control System (2), Autoblaster Turret (2), "Zeb" Orrelios (1), Hera Syndulla (1), •Ghost (0), Countermeasures (3)

•AP-5 (15) - Sheathipede-class Shuttle
•Phantom II (0)

Gold Squadron Pilot (24) - Y-Wing
Extra Munitions (2), Plasma Torpedoes (3), R2 Astromech (1), Guidance Chips (0)

Gold Squadron Pilot (24) - Y-Wing
Extra Munitions (2), Plasma Torpedoes (3), R2 Astromech (1), Guidance Chips (0)

I run the CR90 at around 160 points most games with an escort of Four cannon armed B-wings and if it allows an ARC-170.

Im a sucker for matching up my ships to fly in wing pairs or 4 ship flights.

I usually like to fly a support Huge with 8 or more smalls set up.

With the CROC, GR75 and Gozanti, it would be something like a 2-3 of Y's/Bombers with some Ion Torps, A couple A's/Interceptors to quickly get behind the enemy Huge and blast out its engines and then a group of main line fighters, like X's/Kihraxz, often in 2 pairs, one to guard my Huge from flankers and one to engage enemy bombers before they get too close.

At least that's the pregame plan. By turn 4 there is always just a huge furball in the center of the mat and its glorious.

I think I generally have about 200 points of small based ships. I don't spend more than 30 points on a ship. Well....MAYBE one ship can be 35, but that's a stretch.

43 minutes ago, heychadwick said:

I think I generally have about 200 points of small based ships. I don't spend more than 30 points on a ship. Well....MAYBE one ship can be 35, but that's a stretch.

Agreed. Keep them cheap. There are too many arcs to dodge in epic for something with a bullseye on it to survive long. Keep your bombers loaded light. Try not to use named aces unless they can hang back and support other ships from a distance like Etahn or Roark.

And with the Huge ships firing at PS 4 usually, use the PS 4-5 generics so they can at least shoot before you put them back in your Plano box.

Hunting Han Solo (Bounty Hunters epic)

Dengar (33)
Wired (1)
Maul (3)
Contraband Cybernetics (1)
Countermeasures (3)
Punishing One (12)

IG-88C (36)
Stay On Target (2)
Advanced Sensors (3)
"Mangler" Cannon (4)
Glitterstim (2)
Autothrusters (2)
IG-2000 (0)

IG-88B (36)
Stay On Target (2)
Advanced Sensors (3)
Heavy Laser Cannon (7)
Glitterstim (2)
Autothrusters (2)
IG-2000 (0)

Boba Fett (Scum) (39)
Fearlessness (1)
"Mangler" Cannon (4)
K4 Security Droid (3)
Harpoon Missiles (4)
Glitterstim (2)
Guidance Chips (0)
Slave I (0)

Talonbane Cobra (28)
Push the Limit (3)
Harpoon Missiles (4)
Cloaking Device (2)
Vectored Thrusters (2)
Engine Upgrade (4)
Autothrusters (2)
Vaksai (0)

Concord Dawn Ace (23)
Crack Shot (1)
Autothrusters (2)
Concord Dawn Protector (1)

Concord Dawn Ace (23)
Crack Shot (1)
Autothrusters (2)
Concord Dawn Protector (1)

Total: 300

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Those 7 bounty hunters could end up looking at 16 3+ red dice shots really fast. I feel like (unless it's a hyper efficient huge eating up half the list) 7 ships is way too few to have consistently good results in epic

Edited by Dabirdisdaword
2 hours ago, Dabirdisdaword said:

Those 7 bounty hunters could end up looking at 16 3+ red dice shots really fast. I feel like (unless it's a hyper efficient huge eating up half the list) 7 ships is way too few to have consistently good results in epic

Oh I know this was far more a fun I want to have the Bounty Hunters on the table. I am aware that it would just geat eaten alive with via huge ships and high attack vaule dice

Here is how many star fighters I bring with me

GR-75 Medium Transport (30)
Shield Technician (1)
Jan Ors (2)
Comms Booster (4)
Comms Booster (4)
Shield Projector (4)
Automated Protocols (5)
Bright Hope (5)

Poe Dameron (PS9) (33)
Intensity (2)
BB-8 (2)
Comm Relay (3)
Autothrusters (2)
Black One (1)

Red Squadron Veteran (26)
Crack Shot (1)
Flight-Assist Astromech (1)
Integrated Astromech (0)

Red Squadron Veteran (26)
Crack Shot (1)
Flight-Assist Astromech (1)
Integrated Astromech (0)

Gray Squadron Pilot (20)
Twin Laser Turret (6)
Proton Torpedoes (4)
R2 Astromech (1)
Guidance Chips (0)

Gray Squadron Pilot (20)
Twin Laser Turret (6)
Proton Torpedoes (4)
R2 Astromech (1)
Guidance Chips (0)

Green Squadron Pilot (19)
Deadeye (1)
Harpoon Missiles (4)
Push the Limit (3)
Guidance Chips (0)
A-Wing Test Pilot (0)

Green Squadron Pilot (19)
Deadeye (1)
Harpoon Missiles (4)
Push the Limit (3)
Guidance Chips (0)
A-Wing Test Pilot (0)

Green Squadron Pilot (19)
Deadeye (1)
Harpoon Missiles (4)
Push the Limit (3)
Guidance Chips (0)
A-Wing Test Pilot (0)

Total: 297

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