Danarti dice and two blight

By Xquer, in Runewars Rules Questions

So probably jumping the gun here, but what happens when you are using danarti to attack (with a hit modifier) and your opponent triggers two blight tokens?

Technically you still roll 3 dice, and the rule for canceling is for no dice to roll :

10.3 of rules

If a game effect removes dice from an attack such that
there are no dice to roll, the attack is canceled.

By RAW I would say attack is not canceled, but in a real game I'd probably cancel it. Wanted to see the forums thoughts.

Note: I am assuming the darnati ability forces you to lose 1 die per attack (I know this is still debated).

You roll 1 die. Then you remove it, for a net of 0 dice. But because you had a roll (even though it was nullified), you get to use your modifier dial.

I would disagree. The rules reference, #10 "Attack" says on step 3: "If a game effect removes dice from an attack such that there are no dice to roll, the attack is canceled."

I must disagree with myself. The Darnati die removal happens after Step 4 (rerolls), so that rules does not take effect. Xelto is right.

Edited by Uthoroc

Thanks for the feedback. It is interesting to think that the Darnati have a pseudo builtin resistence to blight.