Melee chars buying Magic skills

By Peebstar, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Im playing OL in RtL campaign and the party Im playing with are: Kirga, Hawthorne, Thalia, and Ronan. All either melee or subterfuge. My question: Can any of these heroes go to a town and buy say Necromancy? Does a char have to have points in Magic to be able to buy magic skill cards?


Any hero can buy any skill, regardless of their starting skills, whether playing vanilla or the extended campaign (though in vanilla you only choose the category, not the exact skill).

The only other restriction in RtL is the city in which you buy the skill. Skills are "sold" in certain cities (pg 22 in the RtL Rulebook has the list). So if you wanted to train one of your heroes in Necromancy, you need to go to Nerekhall to train.


And the rules also imply that each skill can be held only by one character at a time. They do not explicitly say this, but the game assumes that you only have one set of cards to play with, and a character who buys a skill takes the appropriate skill card.

haslo said:

And the rules also imply that each skill can be held only by one character at a time. They do not explicitly say this, but the game assumes that you only have one set of cards to play with, and a character who buys a skill takes the appropriate skill card.

The game seems "balanced" around the idea that you are only allowed to have one copy of anything in play. Buying a second copy of the game to allow the OL more possible monster figures, more tiles, more copies of skills for heroes, etc. changes what the designers intended.

...Except, of course, for the quests which have more monsters in a given area than are contained in the game...

Eh, no one's perfect ;)
