FFG/Asmodee terrible shipping to distributors

By Guest, in Star Wars: Destiny

FFG/Asmodee has ignored and left off Big Al distribution from sending them product. They didn't even tell them about the release date from Legacies. And when they've shipped product to the distributor, product has arrived 1-3 weeks after release date. Who can I talk to or complain about this? How is it that other distributors get product before others? Playing favorites?

I don’t know about that, but our store ordered 6 of each starter and got 12 Boba Fett starters.

Are you in NA? Doesn't Asmodee have an exclusive distribution contract with one distributor now? Alliance, I think? I imagine what's happening is your store's "Big Al" distributor is stuck ordering their product through Alliance, which just adds another stop to the mix. And, of course, FFG isn't going to tell Big Al anything, since they don't have a direct relationship with them anymore. So, yes. I suppose they're "playing favorites", but it's due to contract. Perhaps let your store know, and they can decide whether to open up a direct relationship with Alliance.