Hey guys! First time posting in here, and it's to ask the community for help. We don't have a very large pool of players in my town, so I don't get to play very often, and whenever I do, it feels like I'm always on my back heel and always losing. I originally played Waiqar, though I've picked up Uthuk Y'llan because I really like the look and design of the faction.
I'm not really looking for specific counters to specific scenarios; yes, I've run into the problem of facing a Death Star and I know the specific card configuration to potentially counter it, but I'm feeling like I'm missing something in general tactics. Maybe it's because I'm not getting to play as often as I could and, thus, not learning as much as I could. Are there any general tips and advice that you guys could give in order to help me out? Or are there resources that I'm unaware of that I can use to help learn while I'm unable to play?