Shuffling deck

By gran_orco, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

In Road to Legend, must I shuffle discarded overlord cards when heroes start a new level in a dungeon, or should I continue with the actual state of the deck?

gran_orco said:

In Road to Legend, must I shuffle discarded overlord cards when heroes start a new level in a dungeon, or should I continue with the actual state of the deck?

FAQ pg9
Dungeon Levels
The Dungeon Level Setup rules on page 17 are misleading. The Overlord should shuffle his deck and draw a new hand only at the start of the first dungeon level, not every level in a given dungeon.

But what I do not understand is if I must keep the deck unchanged after finishing a level, or shuffle discarded cards (regardless that my hand is unchanged).

So, if I ended a level with only 5 cards in the deck, must I replenish it? (I repeat that I know that my hand does not change).

Thank you for your answer.

No, you dot reshuffle the deck in a dungeon until after it is completely gone. So you end Lvl1 with 8 cards left in the OL deck and the rest in discard. Next level, you go through those 8 cards, gaining 3CT , and then you shuffle the discards back in.

Make sense?

Nothing changes between dungeon levels, except that there's a new map and all the heroes are placed alongside the map's monsters within that new map. No healing, no reshuffling, no untapping. So if you finish a dungeon level with 5 cards left in the Overlord draw pile, you'll get conquest soon gran_risa.gif

You don't shuffle anything you keep the discard and your hand as it is. When you finish the cards in the dungeon then you reshuffle the discard only and receive 3 CT.

I don't know about RTL, but in SOB If you finish the deck twice in the same area (in one level of the dungeon) then the heroes are immediatly forced to run, return to the home port instantly and end their turn

Thank you very much!

Only one more question and I will finish:

The rules state that I must generate monsters "out of sight". is this applied to RtL, too, or can I generate them at the same places of starting monsters?

Only the first monsters which are place before the heroes even entered (they are there when they came in) can be place on any space except the red area shown in the map, the spawning must be out of sight .

What about if you finish a dungeon with only 8 cards left?? What Ive been doing is discarding my entire hand and then when I get to the next dungeon I pull the next 2 cards from the remaining 8 until they are all gone. Should I be using a fresh OL deck at the start of each dungeon regardless of the state it was in from the last dungeon?

Peebstar said:

What about if you finish a dungeon with only 8 cards left?? What Ive been doing is discarding my entire hand and then when I get to the next dungeon I pull the next 2 cards from the remaining 8 until they are all gone. Should I be using a fresh OL deck at the start of each dungeon regardless of the state it was in from the last dungeon?

The deck completely resets at the start of a new DUNGEON (not the same as a dungeon LEVEL). So you should be using a fresh OL deck at the start of each dungeon. That way if you bought Treachery you can trade those cards in and out.