Having never really used starfighters in our game (except as adversaries), it had never really dawned on me just how fragile they could be. Now that one of our players wants to use a Jedi Starfighter, I'm looking at those numbers and thinking how terrible they are! Sure, with the right talents you can commit force dice and you can add a little defensive flying but otherwise they are very squishy and setback dice on attacks aren't all that amazing.
One idea that I'm considering, and that certainly makes flavourful sense is adding your ship's maneuverability to your defence score for any zone- e.g. a +3 Jedi Starfighter, A-Wing or Tie Fighter is getting some bonus defence because they are nimble- most trade that off on the fact that they are low in hull and standard shields (if any!). It would also mean that talents like Skilled Jockey would actually mean that heavier ships would be slightly harder to hit with a skilled pilot (increasing their effective handling as close to 0 as possible) and big clunky ships would add Boost dice to enemies- wouldn't make too much difference as often the damage and armour makes successes (and even crits) pretty negligible.