Sea of Blood and Rumours

By RebekahWSD, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Greetings. We were playing Sea of Blood, and have come across two questions/problems.

Know that we have combined the rumour deck and the dungeon deck, as was suggested as possible in the rule book, and we wished to have more dungeons possible.

Question 1. One hero has a breath attack. A second hero is standing in front of the first hero, and can't move. They decide to let the hero take the attack, since he has a dodge up, and under permanent invisibility (the really fast wolf rider character). Dodge rerolls attacks for everyone, but does that include the monsters?

Question 2. The rumour "The Twins" was drawn and used (a rumour card from Road to Legend), and the party visited the dungeon. One can not jump water, nor enter it, from my understanding of the rules, and the fact that it blocks movement. How do they get the chest, since the water blocks the whole hallway? Can they cut corners to get it, even if that would send them through a wall?

Thank you.


1) Dodge rerolls are applied to all figures affected by the Breath attack, including monsters.

2) "Cutting corners" (even between two obstacles) is a perfectly legal movement and you should use it whenever possible.

1. Invisibility is not allowed in advance campaigns.

You shouldn't play rumors instead of dungeons, they are really hard for the heroes, that's why they get an extra award if they did it.

@Slapul: Huh? I guess you mean invulnerability. Stealth and invis. potions are perfectly legal.

They were not playing a rumour instead of a dungeon, they drew a rumour card, and were trying to complete it for the goal.

Well, then my mistake in both cases sad.gif

The owner of the local game store (and one of the players) called the game designer up, no joke.

Quote "The end of that rumour is supposed to be unpassable."

At least, this is what the store owner said he told me, and considering it goes against what he wants (as a player, he wants to reach the treasure, after all), I want to believe him.


RebekahWSD said:

The owner of the local game store (and one of the players) called the game designer up, no joke.

Quote "The end of that rumour is supposed to be unpassable."

At least, this is what the store owner said he told me, and considering it goes against what he wants (as a player, he wants to reach the treasure, after all), I want to believe him.


What are you referring to? Which Rumour?

There is a SOB rumour which does have an impassable end. It is supposed to. Basically the heroes have to grab the treasure and run back to the portal before the impassable monster (who only activates at teh end of the tun in which they grad the treasure) catches them and auto-kills them.
Having an impassable end in the case is part of the rumour style/plan and is not in any way 'impossible' for the heroes.
Other than that I am unsure what you could be referring to?

He is referring to "The Twins", but I heavily doubt that answer of the shop owner - the rumor would be unwinnable for the heros.

Parathion said:

He is referring to "The Twins", but I heavily doubt that answer of the shop owner - the rumor would be unwinnable for the heros.

But there is nowhere remotely unpassable for the heroes in that level. Not even close.

And that rumour is eminently winnable for the heroes. I know, as OL its been won against me (Wind Pact was critical, denying me the Dark Charm I had set up for a hero to kill one of the twins).

Well, reading the OP would have helped at least twice: He is obviously doubting that you can cut corners between a water space and a wall space.

If you don´t allow that then the exit passage is unreachable without Fly/Acrobat/Water Pact.

Have a look at page 9 of the core rulebook. There you see corners between a monster and an obstacle (in this case, rubble) being cut. Cutting corners like that is indeed perfectly legal.

So I assume that when your shop owner called the designer, he assumed that the shop owner was talking about the one rumour that is indeed impassable, and this got the answer wrong. What with being called out of the blue and all.

If you still doubt this, you can always make it a rules question. The link is at the bottom of the page you're currently viewing.

Parathion said:

Well, reading the OP would have helped at least twice: He is obviously doubting that you can cut corners between a water space and a wall space.

If you don´t allow that then the exit passage is unreachable without Fly/Acrobat/Water Pact.

Sorry, I thought you'd answered that already in the second post and so the OP was now talking about a different Rumour...