On the heals of the last fun "leaves plays" discussion, I ran into this today:
========== Neutral ==========
•Guardian Pillar
Type : Support
Cost : 3
Subtype : Dreamlands. Location. Mutable.
Game Text : If you control more Dreamlands support cards than any opponent, you may exhaust Guardian Pillar to commit it to a story as a character with 4 skill, TCCC, and Invulnerability.
I have a few questions about some strange things with this card, all assuming the effect has been used.
- The story phase finishes. The effect "turns off". Does this count as a character leaving play?
- It is committed to the story. Pre resolution, Deep One Assault is played, and the card enters the discard pile. Does it count as a character entering the discard pile? Does it count as a character leaving play?
- It is committed to the story. Pre resolution, can Burrowing Beneath be played on it or does it lose it's "support card" status in the interim. Also, the previous "does it count as" questions from #2.
- It is committed to the story. Pre resolution, can Torch the Joint be played on it, or does it lose the "Location" subtype in the interim? Of course, if it loses the support subtype (see #3) the subtype is irrelevant for Torch the Joint.
- Is there any window in which Repo man could take this card, providing both had been committed this turn?
That's all I can think of right now. #1 actually occurred in our game and it was important due to Muddy Waters and Princess Zura being in play as well as having two copies of Dreamland Fanatic in my hand. But we got to talking about it and the rest of the questions became important.