End of round effects timing in Mos Eisly

By erlucius90, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Playing with Han / Vader post fixes in Mos Eisly Now that it's on the rotation, and doing mission A (contest crates): do you first collect points from crates or characters' end of round effects take place earlier? I don't remember the exact ruling chronology right now

Mission effects first, always.
Draw command cards before Han takes his shot too if I remember correctly.

1 Ready cards
2 Draw command cards
3.1 Mission rules (score objective points, open doors)
3.2 End of round effects for player with initiative
3.3 End of round effects for player without initiative
4 Pass initiative

Also note that the player with initiative decides the order of their own end of round effects as well as the order of potential multiple mission rules.

However, each separate mission rule must (usually) be performed fully before checking for VP (for end of game),because there is no timing conflict resolution rules for effects within single abilities.