so last night I played a couple of matches with my buddy to help him practice his squad for regionals. He told me he was planning on taking scum aces and I had planned on bringing a PS 11 rebels list to counter it. When I got to his place he had changed his mind to this...
100 pts
Fenn Rau (28)
Sheathipede-class Shuttle (20), Adaptability (0), Kyle Katarn (3), M9-G8 (3), Vectored Thrusters (2)
“Zeb” Orrelios (18)
Attack Shuttle (18), Phantom (0)
Kanan Jarrus (54)
VCX-100 (38), Ghost (0), Advanced Sensors (3), Twin Laser Turret (6), Rey (2), Recon Specialist (3), Anti-Pursuit Lasers (2)
Since he only has one Sheathipede, and i was using his stuff, I was left to throw something together quickly. My first attempt was Chewie (PTL, EU, Kyle, Kanaan, Evade Title)/Poe (Intensity, bb-8, Black One. AT).
My list was heavily dependent on tokens, the first bad choice against his list. He shut me down on almost every attack between Kanaan and Fenn reducing my attacks and not allowing me to use my tokens. Chewie had 2x focus/evade/TL for almost the whole match and didn't get to use anything for offence the whole game. managed to hit Fenn for two damage and got the ghost to half even with a couple R1's from poe. Ghost had evades plus tons of focus so at best Poe was putting two hits into the ghost per round. The game didn't last long and ended with the Ghost at half value Fenn alive and kicking and chewie and poe feeling pretty bad about themselves.
The second match we played I decided to try to build a squad specifically designed to give him some trouble. I came up with this,
100 points
Palob Godalhi (27)
HWK-290 (20), Adaptability (0), Twin Laser Turret (6), Black Market Slicer Tools (1)
Inaldra (24)
M3-A “Scyk” Interceptor (15), Trick Shot (0), “Heavy Scyk” Interceptor (2), Heavy Laser Cannon (7)
Kaa’to Leeachos (17)
Z-95 Headhunter (15), EMP Device (2), Adaptability (0)
Old Teroch (32)
Protectorate Starfighter (26), Push the Limit (3), Concord Dawn Protector (1), Autothrusters (2)
I had hoped this list would be able to shut down Kanaan's ability and Palob would be able to steal from Fenn or Kanaan when Old Teroch wasn't in range to pull his tricks. This match was much closer than the first. I'm not sure I would ever take this to a tournament but it sure gave him a run for his money. I managed to set up a row of 4 rocks along the right side of the map to help Inaldra make the most of trick shot (didn't really work out that way). During the first round of combat he did a 5 k0turn with his ghost hoping to bump kaa' and Palob but I managed to just miss with both of them giving kaa' range one out of arc and palob at range one (both out of arc) but range two on Fenn for a tlt shot and stealing a focus. OT had range one on the ghost in arc and shut him down stripping 3 focus tokens from the ghost! Inaldra also out of ghost arc had range two on Fenn for an unmodded HLC shot. I decided to focus fire on Fenn since he had no tokens, took him down to 1hp left, the hlc shot was a bust with one hit and 3 blanks! Ghost hit OT for one and Fenn did no damage on his shot. Second round I made a wrong move with Palob and took him out of the fight for three rounds (this ended up costing me the match) OT managed to finish of Fenn this round while also stripping another three focus and an Evade from Kanaan (at this point he had also used his last Rey) Kaa started in on the Ghost after OT killed off Fenn. Kanaan shot at a tokenless Inaldra at range 3, rolled one evade, focus, two blanks, so I used her ability to reroll three dice and blanked on all three which in turn killed her, if I hadn't rerolled I would have lived to shoot the hlc at least one more time! OT and Kaa got a few more damage into the Ghost while Palob tried to get back into it, but not quite yet. The next turn he took out OT after getting a few more damage in and Palob got a little closer, Kaa got one more hit in. Palob finally got back into the fight and sunk two with the tlt but died. Kaa got another 1 in leaving the ghost with 2hp and then died. I had turned palob the other way after that first engagement I'm sure I would have won, he would have been getting those two damage a turn on the ghost a lot sooner, alas it was not to be. A good match none the less.
The EMP device was wasted points and never got used since I didn't want to ionize my own ships, BMST never got used either because I forgot it was there (last minute lists and what not). If I ran it again I think I'd just put moldy crow on palob.