Played our first game with The Commonwealth scenario. Only issues we had or questions we had were around the Agenda cards.
1- How do we get more Agenda cards? I know players can have up to 4 each, but I never read or saw a mechanic to get more. Did I just miss it?
2- The faction track moved incredibly fast. The game was over before we had explored even half the map because both factions advanced so quickly. Is this typical? How do we slow down the faction track when they seem to roll so fast thanks to the Agenda cards? Should we only be moving the faction counters when a Quest says to and when the Agenda deck is reshuffled? Because we were advancing it every time a star or shield showed on the bottom of the Agenda card drawn at the end of the turn. I realize now that might have meant just move the enemy tokens on the board associated with that faction, not advance the faction counter track.... Makes more sense if the faction track only advances when a Quest says to and when Agenda deck is reshuffled....
Edited by CrowOfPyke