So, I know it's kind of crazy to already be talking about combining game systems when the full core rules aren't even out yet... But I'm a crazy guy, so this is happening. For those of you who aren't familiar, King Arthur Pendragon, more commonly known as Pendragon, is a game system about playing knights in King Arthur's Britain. It's really awesome, and I highly recommend it to anyone. While I do think the actual ruleset would work well for a Samurai game, and in fact they are currently working on adapting it for a Feudal Japan setting, that's not the part I'm wanting to combine with L5R. I'm looking more to combine some of the yearly/generational aspects of the game. See, the way the game is structured, by default the characters have 2 courtly scenes in a year (one at Easter and one at Christmas), as well as an adventure which might consist of a military campaign, going on a fabulous quest, or even just raiding some neighbors, etc. It might also involve more court scenes, depending on the adventure. The rest of the year is the knight takign care of their duties, minor courtly scenes not worth playing out, performing garrison duties, tending to your lands, spending time with your family, etc. This is usually represented by some quick rolls on a table or 2, and get you a small amount of Experience Checks in the main skills/abilities used (basically their version of XP). Then the Winter Phase comes, where your character spends most of the time at home; this is where you get to see if anything increases (effectively spending your XP), check to see what kind of harvest year you've had, see if you've gotten married (and the basic details about your spouse like her parents, how much Glory/money she brings to the marriage, etc.) and/or had any children, and if any of you family (especially wife and children) died, as well as maybe some little things that might have happened to your family, like someone going missing, your sister getting married, your mother being exposed as a secret witch, etc. You also age up your character, which has a chance of reducing stats; if they hit 0, you die (generally the only way to die, other than by falling in battle). Once you've died, or gotten old enough to reasonably retire, you would resume play as your child, or if not old enough, maybe another family member. This aspect is what I'm mostly wanting to bring to L5R.
I feel like some version of the Winter Phase should work pretty well in L5R. The only real change to the base rules would be having to wait until the Winter Phase to spend your XP. Beyond that, my thought was to bring the tables for Solo Adventures, Marriage, Childbirth, Family Survival (and Horse Survival as well, though that doesn't seem quite as big an issue for L5R. Maybe among the Unicorn though), and Economic Circumstances over into L5R. Many of them could practically come over as is, that system uses d20 and d6 for their dice, moving those tables over to d10 wouldn't be that hard, though maybe the custom dice should be worked in somehow instead? I feel like there should be a way to make that work, but I can't imagine it at the moment. Some of them would definitely need to be adjusted to fit the setting a bit more, like the Economic stuff, Marriage (especially since Rokugan is a lot more egalitarian than Arthur's Britain... in that system, even if you were playing a female knight, you're expected to marry a non-warrior character. My understanding from previous games is that it's not necessarily unusual for warriors to marry in Rokugan, but I may be mistaken about that). Not sure if child mortality should be adjusted any. The specific acts during the Solo Adventure would probably need re-flavoring. I don't know enough about the economics of a samurai household to know how to make that work, and Economic Circumstance is fairly important (it affects Child Survival, Horse Survival, and some other factors like your yearly Glory gain. Glory works sort of the same in Pendragon as in L5R, except it never goes down, and the exact numbers are a little different, so I'm not sure it's appropriate for characters to accumulate Glory passively every year. Ageing would need to be accounted for in some way
So, this is a lot, and if people would like me to I could post/link to some of the specific tables I'm referencing here. I don't know how much people already know about Pendragon. I just like the idea of playing through a character's life and descendants. Plus, yeah, I know the player/GM could just come up with whether their character gets married/has kids/etc. I just like the idea that many of those things are out of the control of the players, such as in a world where there is high infant mortality, or marriage is arranged by your family, etc. And I just think this kind of thing is fun. If anyone has any questions about anything they want me to elaborate on, just let me know.