I like that more than my idea, I just wish I could think of something that is closer to the standard dark/light system but still keeping the 3 axis dice of a skill check. One of the my favourite elements of the original system is that Dark Siders and Light Siders use the Force in different ways.
Light Siders can use half the dice symbols with no consequences, the other half have a Destiny+Conflict+Strain cost. Dark Siders on the other hand always have a cost, Dark Pips always cost Conflict, Light Pips cost Destiny + Strain.
This has the consequence of making a redemption incredibly difficult, you can’t use the easy side of the Force because you get Conflict, whilst the other side has a massive cost. I just cannot find a way to keep that flavour
Laying here in bed at almost midnight I just had this idea, it’s better but I think my tired brain must be missing some problem.
Dark Side:
For every uncancelled Success on a Force Skill Check the character gains 1 Conflict. After the roll but before spending Success or Advantage you may flip a Destiny Point and suffer Strain up to your Force Characteristic. You may choose to add an equal number of success to the results, or reduce conflict by an amount equal to the strain suffered (you may choose to do a combination of both).
Light Side:
After rolling a Force Skill Check a character may choose to flip a Destiny Point and suffer a number of Strain up to their Force Characteristic. Add a number of Success to the check equal to Strain suffered, the Force user also gains Conflict equal to the amount of Strain suffered.