Rebel base space question

By Darthguy, in Star Wars: Rebellion

In my first game the other night my friend playing as the rebellion decided not to keep any rebel units in the "rebel base" space but rather opted to keep any rebel units on the system proper thereby circumventing the mission card that allows the imperial player to draw probe cards based on how many rebel units are in the rebel base space. Is that legal?

I saw that you saw my answer on the other topic, but will post it here with some added refferences:

Yes it is. The Rebel player is never forced to place any unit in the Rebel Base space.

Here is the refference (highlighting the "or"):

The Rebel player receives 1 Corellian Corvette, 1 Rebel Transport, 2 X-wings, 2 Y-wings, 6 Rebel Troopers, and 2 Airspeeders. He can place these units on the “Rebel Base” space and/ or any one Rebel or neutral system.

This means that the Rebel player can choose to place all of his units on 1 system and leave the Rebel Base space empty.

Yes I do understand that. There is an action card or maybe its a nission, i dont rememner that calls for the inperial player to be abke to draw 1 card per 4 rebem units I the rebel base...however this rule has a loophole if the rebel Ayer does as I mentioned. Or does the card still apply?

On 07/01/2018 at 2:13 PM, Darthguy said:

opted to keep any rebel units on the system proper thereby circumventing the mission card that allows the imperial player to draw probe cards based on how many rebel units are in the rebel base space.

It's probably worth noting that Gather Intel card always guarantees at least 1 probe card - in case there are 0-7 units in "Rebel Base" space, so you can never fully "circumvent" this card. Only 8+ will give Empire more probes.

Just saw this after my last post. Thanks

It seems your friend has decided to reveal the base, placing his units in the system instead of the rebel base space, as you seem to imply that you knew he had placed his units in the base's system instead of the base's space..

In that case, the number of units on the rebel base system is still counted for Gather Intel. The rules specifically mention that when the base is revealed, all effects associated with rebel base space use the rebel base system instead.

Edited by grisix