How many corners does a tray have?

By Govrek, in Runewars Rules Questions

A thing happened the other week, as things are likely to do. A unit of Oathsworn charge another unit. it looks like they are going to hit the corner of the targets front edge, and be able to get the flank. However when we find the collision point, the corner of the target unit passed through the the puzzle-piece hole of the Oathsworn's tray, making the corner of the hole contact the front edge of the target unit. The question then became: did the front edge of the Oathsworn contact the corner of target, did the corner of the oathsworn contact the front edge of the target, or did the front edge of the Oathsown contact the front edge of the target?

In short, are the corners of the puzzle piece holes and protrusions corners for the purpose of determining if a collision is a corner or edge collision?

Please note, the image is a recreation of events for demonstration purposes only. The original situation was a 3x2 of Oathsowrn charging a 2x3 of Deathkniggits (I think... I don't entirely recall the target). No spearmen or calvary were harmed in the creation of the photo.

Odd Collision1.jpg

Edited by Govrek

The edges are the 4 outside borders of the trays that make up the unit. In this case, the corner of the defender broke the plane of the edge on the attacker. You would treat it as the charging units edge colliding with the corner of the defender.

The rules for the chargers corner hitting the edge of the target don't work very well here anyway.

87.2 The outermost borders of the connected trays in a unit are that unit’s edges.

Nice! I hadn't thought to double check the Unit section of the RR when poking at this. However it begs the question: are the connector protrusions considered the outermost borders, or is it the longest contiguous edge? The only instances of the Connector in the Rules Reference are in Line of Site (they can be used for determining LOS) and Movement (if they are the only bit that collides with an obstacle, the moving unit may be nudged away so they don't).

In this example, would the collision have occured when the corner passed the plane of the connector protrusion's outside face, or when it passed the plane at the boundary of the connector recess?

8 hours ago, Govrek said:

87.2 The outermost borders of the connected trays in a unit are that unit’s edges.

Nice! I hadn't thought to double check the Unit section of the RR when poking at this. However it begs the question: are the connector protrusions considered the outermost borders, or is it the longest contiguous edge? The only instances of the Connector in the Rules Reference are in Line of Site (they can be used for determining LOS) and Movement (if they are the only bit that collides with an obstacle, the moving unit may be nudged away so they don't).

In this example, would the collision have occured when the corner passed the plane of the connector protrusion's outside face, or when it passed the plane at the boundary of the connector recess?

For simplicity sake, and this isn't explicit in the rules, you go until the units touch. Once they are touching, you square up accordingly.