[Mission]: The Gangs of Imperial Center

By Darth Meanie, in X-Wing

The Gangs of Imperial Center

A Scum vs. Villainy Epic Scenario

It was bound to happen eventually. . .the Black Sun and the Hutt Cartel at each other’s throats.

List Building:

The player brings a 300 point list. One player represents the Hutt Cartel, and the other represents the Black Sun. In each list, each player may only field 3 unique pilots: 2 representatives of gang leadership, and one bounty hunter. (For the lore as to who goes where, consult Wookiepedia).

The rest of the list must be starfighters. The Black Sun is limited to the Kihraxz (Black Sun Ace), the StarViper (Black Sun Enforcer, Vigo, or Assassin), and the Z-95 (Black Sun Soldier). The Hutts are limited to the Kihraxz (Cartel Marauder), the Scyk (Cartel Spacer), and the Kimogila (Cartel Brute or Executioner). In addition, each player’s list must feature at least 2 of each ship type.

Set Up:

6x3 play area. Players deploy along the long ends of the board. Asteroid set-up as usual (12), plus a derelict C-ROC (or Medium Transport) placed near the center of the play area.


Play is as typical, with the following in game special effects:

Any time a ship of the opposing side is killed, that player may regenerate 1 shield on any friendly ship in play.

The transport does not count as an obstacle (but does still obstruct shots). Instead, whenever a ship bumps the C-ROC, that ship gains a Glitterstim Upgrade card regardless of whether or not that pilot has an EPT slot!! (Hmmm, I think I know what this is all about, now.) Unfortunately, that ship will still suffer the effects of a small ship-to-ship bump: no action this turn (but can attack and does not suffer damage).

If a player’s bounty hunter delivers the killing shot on one of the other player’s VIPs, that player may assign an EPT to that pilot. Thus, the bounty hunter may ultimately have up to 3 EPTs!! In return, the opposing player assigns A Score to Settle to his bounty hunter.

Victory Conditions:

Kill ‘em all. Classic.

Hah! So now that I wrote this up, figuring out who's Hutt affiliated and who's Black Sun is less obvious. So far:


Torkil Mux (miner who worked for Jabba)

Manaroo: Jabba's slave

Boba Fett: worked for Jabba

Kaato Laethos: Nikto (Hutt?)

Torani Kulda


Black Sun:

Talonbane Cobra



Ketsu Onyo

Bounty Hunters:


Dalan Oberos

Latts Razzi

The Big 5

Edited by Darth Meanie

This is nice stuff! FFG should hire you to do missions for them!

Now I have to go out a buy a six foot star map and a table to put it on. Fortunately it ends there and I don't have to redo the garage.

First you get the glitterstim, then you get the shields, then you get the women

7 hours ago, KommanderKeldoth said:

First you get the glitterstim, then you get the shields , then you get the women

Proper protection is a must.