...another few rules questions...

By drapulv, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

With Tomb of Ice, heroes sometimes have the flying ability. Which traps, if any, can be avoided by the hero because he/she is flying? It seems unlikely to fall into a spiked pit while flying, but can you really avoid scything blades or a dart field. Neither of the latter can be jumped over.....

I don't think I can back this up with the rules, but the way I'd play it is if you played a trap card it would still hit them. The idea being that they weren't prepared for it. If there are any existing traps on the board though, they can fly over it, since they can treat obstacles as if they weren't there.

That's how I'd play it as well.

Mechanically, the OL is paying for the trap to have that effect. Thereafter, it's just on the board as a normal obstacle to be flown over.

It seems likely that any floor based traps would have no effect, since flying allows the character to zip over obstacles that could normally be moved over. Door traps and chest traps would likely have an effect, as would crushing block, since that falls from the ceiling

RoboB0b said:

I don't think I can back this up with the rules, but the way I'd play it is if you played a trap card it would still hit them. The idea being that they weren't prepared for it. If there are any existing traps on the board though, they can fly over it, since they can treat obstacles as if they weren't there.



Ok, thanks! happy.gif