SoB, lieutenant fortify and xp collection

By gerrard8, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


Three questions:

1. Lieutenants can fortify a dungeon by standing on it or next to it. Is it the same with islands? Can they fortify an island?

2. There are no tokens to keep track of how much xp each hero has? You need pen and paper for that right?

3. Just to make sure I've understood this correctly. If the heroes, for example, kill a duengon leader they receive two conquest tokens and EACH hero receives two xp. Is that correct?

1) Without having re-read the rules, I would assume yes, since islands are dungeons, only with a special first level.

2) Yes.

3) The hero party receives two conquest tokens. For training, each hero can convert conquest into XP. You could do this instantly when receiving the conquest, so we can say you were right.

Thanks for the answers. But now I've got another couple of questions.

Could the Heroes use conquest tokens to anything else but exchange it for xp?

Is that the most common and easiest way to play it? to immediately change conquest to xp?

gerrard8 said:

Thanks for the answers. But now I've got another couple of questions.

Could the Heroes use conquest tokens to anything else but exchange it for xp?

Is that the most common and easiest way to play it? to immediately change conquest to xp?

There is nothing else heroes can use CT for, just XP.

The easiest way is to keep track of party CT (as instructed) and individual spent XP . As long as no individual ever spends more XP than the party CT you are good.
There is a small sub-section for recording hero XP on the campaign tracker and we just write XP expended there (quite small!). Apart from ship upgrades XP expenditure is usually by 15, 20, 30 etc XP at a time so you need to write small but not ridiculously tiny (though writing size 'ridiculousness' is a very subjective notion).

Forget the CT tokens - they are relics from vanilla and completely unnecessary for the advanced campaigns. We record CT down either side of the campaign sheet - vertical slashes crossed by the fifth CT like a dungeon prisoner marking days... We can write small enough to have two sets of 5 in that narrow gap on each side, so it's 10CT per 'row' and drawing a line under every 5th row means very easy total count at any time.