RtL questions

By Peebstar, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey all - just started a campaign tonight and my group and I are looking forward to spending lots of time getting into it.

Had a few questions about the dungeons:

1)When a hero kills a master monster (for 50 gold) or a dungeon leader (for 100 gold) do EACH hero get the specified gold amount or just the hero who killed him? My group is only on the second level of the first dungeon they've explored and they already have 2500 gold.

2)When picking up piles of money do each of the heroes reciev e 150 coins or just the one who picked it up?

3)Does the OL threat carry over once a dungeon is finished and can the OL still collect threat once all the tokens have been used up (I have one available threat token left)?

4)When a level of a dungeon has been explored, does the card go into the graveyard until the whole deck has been exhausted?

This last question concerns treachery in lieutenant encounters. I know it explains it in the book but im still a little confused:

1)Does the OL have to have already previously purchased treachery cards and have them in his deck to use them for Lieutenant encounters? Can I just buy them on the spot from my massive treachery deck?


1) There is no individual gold in RtL. If a master monster is killed, the party treasury receives 50 coins, 100 for a level leader or encounter leader, 250 for a dungeon leader or a Lieutenant.

2) Similar, but the amount is incorrect: Gold piles give 400 coins to the party treasury.

3) Between levels, threat carries over, between dungeons it does not. If you run out of threat tokens you can´t collect any more (but why would you hoard them to that extent??)

4) According to the rules, the card is reshuffled into the deck, but many groups play it like you asked to get more diversity.

5) Without purchased treachery, the Lt.s don´t have any cards in encounters. You can decide on the spot which cards you put in your deck for a dungeon or in your hand for a Lt. encounter.

Thanks very much for that. Regarding question 3):

3) Between levels, threat carries over, between dungeons it does not. If you run out of threat tokens you can´t collect any more (but why would you hoard them to that extent??)

What's best to do with them? All I got were crappy spawn cards :( . Should I use them to buy treachery? Actually this leads me to 2 more questions:

1) Is the number of max treachery on the Avatar sheets a max for the whole game or the max you can have at any given time (can I spend a treachery and then buy another one to bring it back up to the max?)?

2)The book says all Lt. Encounter treachery cards are one-offs. Do they go to the graveyard or just back into the OL deck until another Lt. Encounter??

3) ? There are only a few crappy spawn cards, so you should be able to use your threat in a sensible way. There are only a few crappy cards in general, so you can spend the threat for power cards, event cards and trap cards - probably some base mechanics are not clear in your group?

And threat cannot be used to buy treachery points, you need conquest/XP for that.

New 1) You don´t spend treachery at all. What you purchase with one or more treachery points is the (permanent, but on the spot for each dungeon) option to modify the OL deck with treachery cards and to put OL cards in your hand in a Lt. encounter. So no need to re-purchase anything.

New 2) One-off means you don´t create a discard pile like in a dungeon which gets reshuffled when the deck is exhausted. You put all selected cards in your hand, play them once and do not redraw them (you don´t draw any cards in encounter turns in the first place).