So I went onto Jigoku and this is my experience

By LordBlunt, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

I thought I’d post this thread in order to give a different angle as to the goings on at Jigoku. Am not posting this thread as some counter to the recent threads concerning Jigoku and other sites; that’s not my intention.

Have played over 20 games with my Dragon deck (4 wins, 3 disconnects from opponents, the remainder were losses, if anyone cares), and I’m quite happy with my opponents and their gameplay. I went into it aiming to have fun, to game with different players and their different decks, to test out my “skills” in this game, and I’m happy at the results. All my games I give the ‘Casual’ header, end up having an opponent join the match quickly, and then playin’ some cards. Really not much more to add, other than I would like to have more conversation with my opponents, but the great majority only type in the obligatory “good luck” and “gg” at the end of a game. ?‍♀️

Ok. Hope this provides some support (if that’s the correct word) for those gaming on these sites and generates positive responses/thoughts/etc. ?

Edited by LordBlunt

I use Jigoku all the time. It is fantastic.

I play randos and tag everything competitive. Sure, you get the occasional sourpuss, or guy who rage quits early, but 90%+ of my games are pleasant and enjoyable.

I play, and like Jigoku, as well.

If they disconnect, it is a concession. I win. Otherwise I get in some good play testing on my decks before I venture with my friends for "live" play. Even if we don't finish a game, I get a chance to see how my deck is functioning and interacting with other decks.

Edited by Shu2jack