So I know there are players in Augusta and Atlanta, and there are a few of us in Athens. I REALLY want a regional to happen in the area. Does anyone know if their local store is holding it? If not, will people PLEASE find out who in your group would be willing to travel to Athens for the tournament. I think our shop would be willing to hold it, but I don't want to get him to put in the $200 if it's not going to support itself. People please do an honest head count and let me know.
Georgia Regional Tournament
I think our store in Augusta is gonna apply for the event as well. We have a TON of space and a pretty solid group already built in for the game. I'll post more details as they develop.
If you are around the area and would be willing to drive up here for the event, hit us up with an estimated number of players from your area that may come with.
Well if you guys are gonna do it, by all means do so. I just wanted to make sure SOMEONE did it. There are 2 of us who will definately come, 2 probablies, and a maybe.