Finally finished painting all five Fallout characters this weekend, take a look . They were a lot of fun to paint, good sculpts with lots of detail - it was interesting looking up reference photos from the game and trying to get all the details right.
My painted minis
VERY nice job!
Nice! What did you use to get the cracked earth effect on the bases?
The cracking dirt is Agrellan Earth paint from Citadel. It was my first time using it, not sure if it turned out quite how I expected - hard to figure out the right amount to put on there. I guess I thought the cracks might be bigger and more noticeable? But repainting and then washing and highlighting helped that a lot.
On 2018-01-05 at 6:15 PM, MythicalMothman said:The cracking dirt is Agrellan Earth paint from Citadel. It was my first time using it, not sure if it turned out quite how I expected - hard to figure out the right amount to put on there. I guess I thought the cracks might be bigger and more noticeable? But repainting and then washing and highlighting helped that a lot.
The trick with getting bigger and more noticeable cracks with Agrellan Earth is to not treat it like paint. You really have to get a thick layer on the base, the thicker you make it, the bigger the cracks is my experience.
Yeah I globbed on what I thought were pretty huge amounts of it and still didn't get quite what I expected. Definitely something to play around with more.
Those definitely look amazing!