As the title suggests, I am really, REALLY struggling with my Latari army. I know that as a novice I'm hardly likely to be winning many battles, but I'm getting hammered every single time. I don't mind losing games if I've put up a good fight, but it's not even a contest. It's got to the point I'm wondering if it's not just me being a rubbish player, but if it's also the elves not being all that good. The problems I'm having:
- They're crap at shooting. It says something when elven archers are actually worse than the undead ones. The archers damage output is so ridiculously low that they can't whittle down big units and can't wound small elite units either. Out of the other two ranged units, the scions can't get Precise unless you want to spend a quarter of your points on one unit, and Maegan can't get it at all. So things that get rerolls can't do any damage, and things that can do damage can barely hit.
- They're crap at combat. Now on paper they're lovely (I've managed to get Aliana up to Lethal 8, which needless to say smarted :P), but the problem is they have all the defences of wet tissue paper. Unless you wipe out the enemy on the charge, you will get mauled in the counter-attack. One horrible example was charging with my leonx and wiping out 75% of the enemy unit, and then just getting massacred the next turn.
- Death Grasp is an instant Game Over. Combined with the above defences, it might as well say "if cast on Latari, remove unit from the game."
- They can't get objectives. Again, in theory they should be able to run rings around your opponent and grab objectives, but in reality it's nearly impossible. Many scenarios are "Kill unit X" or "Reach this particular point." All my opponent has to do is make unit X their biggest unit , or park their biggest unit on top of the objective point, and I simply can't do anything.
Honestly, I'm finding the whole thing incredibly frustrating, and it's really demotivating me to play RW. With the amount of money and effort I've put into buying/painting my elves I don't want to drop them (even though now with hindsight I should have waited for Uthuk, but I desperately wanted to play), but it's getting to the point it's not much fun at all. I love RW and want to continue, but the constant curbstomping is getting out of hand. Am I just utterly terrible at the game, or are the elves underpowered compared with other factions? Either way, any advice (beyond git gud) to help me solve my problem?