We had a little discussion in my group last time we played a campaign. I, as Biv, had been using Close and Personal on an opponent and wanted to finish him off with Stay Down, which allows Biv to perform the melee attack again against the same foe. When the dice was rolled whether I killed him or not depended entirely on whether I was allowed to use the Vibrobayonet with Stay Down or not. Eventually it was allowed by the imperial player and meant that I took down an otherwise uninjured Boba Fett in one activation, which the imperial player thought made Biv quite overpowered.
Question is whether this was legal or not.
On one hand Stay Down says "...after you resolve Close and Personal..." and the Vibrobayonet is only used with close and personal. On the other hand the Vibrobayonet is a part of the weapon and it doesn't make sense that it somehow cannot be used for the second melee attack (would Biv be taking it off between the attacks?). Also you could argue that when allowed to do the melee attack from Close and Personal again you should be allowed to use the same abilities again as long as they are not exhausted or in other fashion restricted from being used a second time. Also, you need 8 XP to get these two cards, so it's supposed to be good cards I think.
Anyone knows the exact rules on this and perhaps an explanation of why it is so?
Edited by Kjaerhus