Morality problem

By Sir Reginold, in The FFG Website

So I have a unique problem with morality. It plays out a bit weird.

We are playing a mixed force and destiny / edge of the empire game set 200 ish years before the events of episode 1. 2 characters are force sensitive, 4 are not. One of those is a GMPC, though the game has become somewhat troupe play, so it's a good thing he has a character to play when someone else is GMing.

We all have both Morality and obligation, though morality has no effect on the non force users (I think).

The GM has, well, a very loose view of morality, I had this problem before in Mage the awakening and wisdom, he felt that killing people shouldn't risk loosing morality depending on culture, but I digress.

The main GM rarely gives conflict for anything (we played a pure force and destiny game and there was a lot more conflict being thrown around). We have killed a lot of people, and at least for my character each death was unavoidable, the only question was who killed them. There were times that other characters attacked others basically unprovoked, but my character was literally not present or unaware at the time.

Yet very little conflict is given. Also very little emphasis is placed on fear (which leads to the dark side (conflict)) so an entire method of gaining conflict is off the table.

My GM is aware that running conflict this way will make everyone paragons likety split. His solution has been to roll morality at the end of every Story arc, rather than every game.

This has worked so far, though I should mention that though I've done everything I could to avoid conflict within reason after perhaps 20? sessions my morality is roughly 63, we've rolled no more than 5 times.

The problem is I made this character with the long run in view and that long run is a force wizard, and I'm about to start investing in force powers seriously, as soon I'll have a force rating of 3. Before anyone asks I took the long route there, I realize I could have gotten more ratings faster, but I didn't and it's really not relevant to the conversation.

My problem is that with this system of rolling morality I basically can't use any dark side pips, as I will fall very very fast otherwise. I don't really envision my character being that averse to the dark side, but definitely more light than dark. There is no room for any back and forth, every black pip I use sets me back what amounts to around a week of restraint. each individual pip.

Has anyone played with morality so restricted, if so do you have advice? Does anyone have advice for how to convince my gm to roll morality more often, and perhaps give more regular conflict?

I appreciate the help in advance.