Jigoku Toxicity

By L5RBr, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

On 12/31/2017 at 0:00 PM, LordBlunt said:

Oh absolutely! This game should very much be treated as a board game. Playing casually with friends during game night is as far as we will take it with our group. When and if multiplayer rules come out, we will make sure to give those a try. But playing competitively, flying/attending different conventions/gatherings for the purposes of “testing my killer deck against all comers!” I would never take part in or encourage anyone to do; many cards are NOT balanced and become more so with the newly released cards. (of which Policy Debate is certainly guilty of, as a glaringly clear example in my eyes)

An excellently designed game, with great mechanics, unbelievably well drawn cards, exceptional play between opponents (one of the best back and forth actions that one may experience in a card game!), and a solid game background that keeps developing with each release... but balanced cards and well designed these cards are not. Can’t have it all. ? ?

People are often melodramatic about the impact of Policy Debate in particular.

I am not a big fan of cards that reveal your hand to your opponent but I don't think it is particularly broken, irritating perhaps but that is different. A lot of people use it badly anyway. The most elegant use is prior to an expected combo so a crane drops sol, opponents immediately plays of pd to try and remove the for shame. Or ujaki fires and you go looking for fgg.

Most players just run it immediately for hand knowledge and card advantage

On 12/29/2017 at 5:17 PM, Daigotsu Steve said:

Honestly I get it. I was fully invested in the game, have played way too much over the last few days and now I'm sick of it and seriously, genuinely deeply regret the time, money and effort spent up to this point on a game that makes you feel terrible more often than not, assuming you bother to put in the 10+ hours to learn it to be a moderately crap player online. This game can be a gruelling experience and why do I have to sit there feeling bad for the next 45 minutes when I can just leave? Just as easy as clicking on a post. Boom. You win, congrats, you played Fate Worse Than Death on my guy or your Clouded my Hiroue or you realised that Policy Debate is a gross card and yes, you can play 3 of them in a turn with no recourse or cost whatsoever and break my spine.

This game doesn't feel rewarding or fun, it feels like a slog that is decided within minutes of sitting down and just takes ages for that eventuality to play out.

Also, it's easy to have an elevated position as a Lion player. It's a very easy-come easy-go world where your Ujiakis/LPB/FGG cards appear and resolve, and you win, or when they don't, and you don't.

No no and no. This is a really poor mindset and system value. Not having fun during a game? How is that the opponent's fault (unless he treats you like crap, but that another subject)? because he is successful while trying to win? Don't play competitive if you can't stand it. No game will ever be 100% balanced and expecting this from a LCG/CCG card game is ridiculous

Playing a game, in general, not only L5R, is about sharing a good time with your opponent. It's supposed to be friendly and allow both to have a good time. I would never play with a person I can't stand. You have a problem enjoying the game? Fine! Go find another one that suits you, BGG has a database of over 95000 games, it's not like you lack options here. But your enjoyment of the game is only about you and how you perceive it, your opponent has nothing to do with that. How can you justify or simply accept people could be jerks when losing? These kind of immature behaviors are rotting whole gaming communities, mostly on video games and are spreading to each media as long as it stays behind a screen because having internet between you and someone else miraculously grows you a pair of XXL balls. There is nothing to understand, accept and excuse. These poor behaviors should be pointed out, isolated and dealt with

On 1/3/2018 at 9:35 PM, OsramTaleka said:

People are often melodramatic about the impact of Policy Debate in particular.

When I found myself pitching it to soak the negation from Kisada I knew it was time to cut it.

On 12/31/2017 at 3:00 PM, LordBlunt said:

Oh absolutely! This game should very much be treated as a board game. Playing casually with friends during game night is as far as we will take it with our group. When and if multiplayer rules come out, we will make sure to give those a try. But playing competitively, flying/attending different conventions/gatherings for the purposes of “testing my killer deck against all comers!” I would never take part in or encourage anyone to do; many cards are NOT balanced and become more so with the newly released cards. (of which Policy Debate is certainly guilty of, as a glaringly clear example in my eyes)

An excellently designed game, with great mechanics, unbelievably well drawn cards, exceptional play between opponents (one of the best back and forth actions that one may experience in a card game!), and a solid game background that keeps developing with each release... but balanced cards and well designed these cards are not. Can’t have it all. ? ?

I agree on playing casually. Even local tournaments have become somewhat trying on me. Most games I play go pretty well, with a lot of back-and-forth and really coming down to the wire. However, occasionally you'll get a game where about twenty minutes in it becomes clear that the opponent has won (usually when I only have one weak character on the board, no one who can help coming in next turn, and the opponent has a half-dozen or so powerful characters with several Fate each, who can easily take two provinces and still defend should I be foolish enough to attack), where it just makes sense to concede. One opponent in particular has managed such a situation every single time I play him, and for some reason I end up paired against him every single tournament, no matter how many people have signed up (usually 15-20).

Sorry for ranting. Back on topic, even if you find yourself in such an aggravating situation (and it is very frustrating), don't take it out on your opponent. Concede honorably and let your opponent enjoy their win.

On 1/3/2018 at 10:07 PM, Isawa Syd said:

As an old school Phoenix I don’t think it likely I’ll be spending any time on a site that glorifies jigoku, talk about fake news, man! ;)

Start an opposing client named "Tengoku.online"?

Double post OF DOOM

Edited by Mirith
7 minutes ago, Mirith said:

Start an opposing client named "Tengoku.online"?


If it takes a long time to load it can be meido.whatever

7 hours ago, twinstarbmc said:


Isn't that just the website behind the non-profit "Save the Shinomen Forest!"

I’m new to the game, but haven’t tried jigoku yet. Mainly because I know I will be cross eyed tired by the end and don’t want to drop out before conclusion. Maybe they can add features like online FPS games that penalize this kind of activity. Like a 10 minute time out for dropping a game, and the ability to rate other players. Playing in person is definitely preferable, but I’ve yet to find a group in my area.