I played a lot of Jigoku over the holidays and now the game is pretty dead to me.

By Daigotsu Steve, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

What upsets me the most are people who rage quit after the first conflict. You drew 6 cards and headlessly rushed into a Dragon province, only to reveal Resto? What a a shocking turn of events!

To be fair, it happened even to me during my first games, yet I still managed to win. This game is not about a single conflict.

Yeah. I was playing against a Phoenix who drew 2 censure and a Display of Power AND Kanjo District by turn 2. He also had the favor.... He canceled 2 of my Way of the Crabs and Display of Powered a ring (I can't recall which one), but I was able to hold on and win. The game is not over till its over.