BUilding in new space dock

By alladjex2, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition


on many places I met the statement that you cannot build units in the space dock which you build recent game round. Ok, but I cannot find any rule in the original rules or errata which states this ... by my opinion.

In the original rules is stated on p. 26 in section Building a new Space Dock that you must control planet for entire round. That's clear. Than I think more than a rule it is mentioned that: "Next round the Space Dock may begin producing units for its owner." This is clear since most of the time you are unable to deactivate the system where you produced the space dock. Or it is really the rule?!

In the section Building units at a Space Dock is required only the activation of the system.

(We played it the way that if you are able to deactivate the system (e.g. through Warfare SC) you can build in the system immediately. Me personaly like this cause it seems to me, that it provides wider range of tactical options than the 3 round to build rule. However, I would like to know the right rule.)

I follow:

The active player may build a Space Dock if the planet was controlled for the entire round and there is no Space Dock present already and there are no enemy Ships in the Activated System.

Maybe point out that you cannot build more space docks on a planet but you can build more space dock in a system with more than one planet. You could misinterprete this if you do not read really carrefully (as I did ;] )

(azuredarkness thanks, I went through FAQs many times and I could not find it)

True. I made that mistake too at first time playing. The rules are ambiguous. Luckily, the rules are re-stated differently in other parts of the rulesbook (thus a big rulesbook with more reading required). Better written rules (without the player having to do research on what exactly a rule is trying to state) would make the game much easier to pick up.

From the FAQ (2.2.1) p. 7:

Q: Can I build units with a Space Dock just build this round, if the Activation Counter in its system is removed for some reason?

A: No, you can never build new units from a Space Dock created during the same round.