I've heard some rumors about a card in the phoenix clan pack that would allow a enlightment victory by gaining 20 ring tokens, and you receive 1 ring token each time you claim a ring. At first shot I thinked "No, they will mess up the game" but then I've started doing the maths and is really difficult claiming 20 rings, even more if is a card that appears in the middle of game..
And I remembered how funny was the many ways of victory in the old L5R, some almost impossible to achieve, but that was the fun about it. I think that if they put some new ways of winning that is obvious harder to achieve than the common ways (province break, honor and dishonor) it could be really nice. It would not mess the competitive scenario, but would add so much for the casual play.
I thinked for example: Win by saving 40 fates (and hire mercenaries maybe?).
What do you think about this? If you like what another ways of victory you suggest?