Pathfinder to Genesys Conversion Formulas and Setting

By sevick, in Genesys

I have been making conversion formulas for pathfinder and was wondering what you think.

I have updated the PDF and added a WIP spreadsheet for it.

So I have shared a link to my Pathfidner Setting, Bestiary, conversion formulas, and Fantasy Ground Modules. I will continue to upload the changes I've made regularly. Some play testing feed back is appreciated.

Updated: 4-26-19

Change Log (v0.6)

Pathfidner Core Rulebook-


  • Added the Following Spells: Create Water, Hideous Laughter
  • Added all the Ranged, and Melee (Heavy) Weapons Stats. Yeah all mundane weapons from the Core Rulebook is done. (Will make adjustments as needed)
  • Added the following talents: Weapon Focus Talent, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Wand Maker, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Forge Ring, Mounted Combat
  • Added Wand crafting Rules
  • Established the choice of skills for this setting.
  • Added rules for Magic Items and enhancement bonuses
  • Added Attachments.
  • Added Sunrod description
  • Added Amulet of Natural armor
  • Added complete list of skills appropriate for the setting.
  • Replaced Mechanics with Craft
  • Added Class Abilities
  • Added the following weapon qualities: 1H/2H and Misfire.

(Balance Changes/Misc changes)

  • Changed the rarity modifier for Metropolis from -1 to -2.
  • Ghost Sound is no longer concentration.
  • Changed the cost and difficulty for scribing a scroll.
  • Reworked Caster Levels and what there role is.
  • Removed bonding requirement for magic weapons.
  • Changed the Reach quality from just not increasing the difficulty to adding a setback die in its place.
  • Removed Extensive Magical Learning.
  • Scraped how starting spells work for a simpler aproach.
  • Conformed Ring of Wizardy with new mechanics
  • Fixed typo in human race special abilities
  • Adjusted the rules for manacles.
  • Changed Hideous Laughter Spell from it not working on those with a 2 or less Intelect to 1 Intelect.

-Pathfidner Bestiary-

  • Added the following Creatures to the Bestiary: Goblin

(Balance Changes/Misc changes)

  • Cleaned up the Bestiary, made the formatting more consistent.
  • Removed text description for monsters in the Bestiary so as to avoid a cease and desist from Piazo.
  • Removed silhouette rules for negatives from the Bestiary and went with a simpler aproach.
  • Simplified Ghouls Paralysis ability. Duration is no longer a 1d4+1 but lasts until the end of the targets next turn.
  • Increased Ghasts Paralysis Difficulty by 1.
  • Add Scent ability to Dog.

-Conversion Rules-

  • Added conversion guidelines for swarms
  • Added guidelines for which creatures are likely to have cool skill and ones that aren't.
  • Added Pathfinder Level to Earned XP Equivalent.
  • Adjusted they way you figure additional soak when dealing with natural armor.
  • Changed the way Resistances work to encompass more than attack damage. (IE: Spell Resistance)
  • Added guidelines for determining crafting difficulty for magic items.
  • Added the change that soak added to creatures based on natural armor only effects physical damage and doesn't protect against magic damage.
  • Made the Rarity converter a bit easier to read and adjusted rarities of potions and scrolls

Change Log (v0.5)

(Balance Changes/Misc changes)

  • Changed costs to a 1:1 raio.
  • Reduced the amount of Spell component pouch uses to 1 instead of 5 also increased the encumbrance from 0 to 1.
  • Rebalanced Item raritys. (Lowered raritys of all the more mundane items such as non magical weapons and armor.)
  • Reworked the Balanced quality
  • Changed Light Mace Disorient rating from 4 to 3
  • Changed Caltrops rules and more concise.
  • Increased the Encumbrance of Caltrops from 0 to 1. (I think the sharpness of the points earn it 1 encumbrance at least)
  • Increased the Encumbrance of Silk rope from 0 to 1.
  • Changed the Resilence bonus on Cold-weather from removing a setback die to adding a boost.
  • Increased the Difficulty of Quick Cast from 2 to 3.(Way to easy for something so powerful)


  • Introduced Caster Levels in magic Items
  • Rules for Scribing Scrolls.
  • Additional details about spellbooks and how casting works.
  • Additional rules for potions.
  • Add stats for all Melee (Light) and Brawl Weapons.
  • Added the item qualities: Brace, Reach, Monk, and Disarming
  • Added Resilience bonus to Winter Blanket.
  • Added Random Treasure rules.
  • Added Menacing Talent.

(Conversion Rules)

  • Added Silhouette equivalents
  • Add rules for converting natual attacks for enemies
  • More detail on Converting mounts for mounted combat.
  • Increased the wound modifier for minions from 0.25 to 0.30
  • Reworked conversion rules for figuring item rarity.
  • Lowed the WT multiplier for Nemesis from 1.5 to 1.1 (WT gets out of control at higher levels)
  • Removed the Item Cost formulas and use a 1:1 ratio.

Change Log (v0.4)

  • Fleshed out the scroll to spell book crafting rules a little more. (Needs testing)
  • Add new talent "Accomplished Scribe."
  • Add new skill "Magic Craft"

Change Log (v0.3)

  • Added descriptions for Adventuring Gear Items and Special Items and Substances.
  • Add all 0 level wizard spells, a few 1st level spells and a few Cleric spells.
  • Added some new talents.
  • Some minor changes
  • Changed the darkvision from removing 2 setbacks to 3. Also changed low light vision from 1 to 2 as well. This is more in line with Genesys and setbacks involving Darkness.
Edited by sevick
0.6 Update


i personally use the following table to convert attributes:

PFAttr. Genesys XP Cost
0 - 5 1 10
6 - 10 2 30
11 - 17 3 60
18 - 26 4 100
27 - 36 5 150
37 - 48 6 210
49 - 62 7 280
63 - 78 8 360
79 - 96 9 450
97 + 10 550

The actual Formula is XP = 10 * (PFAttribute + PFMod) * (4/7).

Wound/Strain Threshold:

i would calculate them as normal for Genesys and adjust by size then by minion/rival/nemesis category.

the size table i use is (you may see similarities from d20):

Size SIZ Class Wgt(lb) H/L(ft) Sil. Mod1 Mod2 Mod3 Mod4 WT Min Max Reach
Fine/Miniscule 0/0 I 0-1 .1–.3 * -4 -2 x.05 x.25 2+T 0 7 .2ft
Diminutive 1/0 II 1-4 .5–1 0 -3 -1 x.1 x.5 5+T 1 6 .5ft
Tiny 2/0 III 4-16 1–2 0 -2 -1 x.33 x.66 6+T 1 6 1ft
Small 3/0 IV 16-64 2–4 1 -1 ±0 x.66 x.75 8+T 1 5 3ft
Medium 4/1 V 64-250 4–8 1 ±0 ±0 x1 x1 10+T 1 5 5ft
Big 5/2 VI 250-1k 8–16 2 +1 ±0 x2 x1.5 15+T 1 4 5ft
Large 6/3 VII 1k-4k 16–32 2 +2 +1 x3 x2 20+T 2 4 10ft
Enormous/Huge 7/4 VIII 4k-16k 32–50 3 +3 +1 x6 x3 30+T 3 3 15ft
Gigantic/Gargantuan 8/5 IX 16k-64k 50-100 4 +4 +2 x8 x4 40+T 4 3 20ft
Colossal/Enormous 9/6 X 64k-250k 100-250 5 +5 +2 x12 x5 50+T 5 2 25ft
Titanic 10/7 XI 250k+ 250+ 6 +6 +3 x16 x6 60+T 6 2 30ft
  • ignore SIZ and Class, Wgt is Weight in lbs, H/L is Height/Length in ft, Sil. is Siluette, WT is Wound Threshold, Reach is average Melee Reachability (no range bands)
  • so to calculate final Brawn from medium/human-relative Brawn, i would add (Mod1) with a minimum of (Min).
  • as for actual Agility (Dexterity), i would subtract (Mod2) with a maximum of (Max); and yes i mean a Fine-sized Creature has +2 AGL.
  • Wound Threshold (WT) would be based on unmodified Brawn (ie. Toughness) and (Mod4)
  • if you want a hard movement stat (MOV), you can add Brawn+Agility (Physique+Dexterity) times (Mod3) or (Mod4) to get ft/second


Converting Skills by pure bonus is the greatest error one can make, because it is often missunderstood as a straight conversion and for Genesys the Attribute Bonus Value has to be removed first

PF Genesys XP Cost
+1 / +2* 1 5
+3 / +5* 2 15
+6 / +10* 3 30
+10 / +17* 4 50
+15 / +25* 5 75
+21 / +35* 6 105
+28 / +47* 7 140
+36 / +60* 8 180
+45 / +75* 9 225
+55 / +92* 10 275

The actual Formula is XP = 5 * (PF Skill Mod).

*) For a better Conversion use XP = 3 * (PF Skill Mod); and apply some fitting Talents

Edited by Terefang
3 hours ago, Terefang said:

The actual Formula is XP = 10 * (PFAttribute + PFMod) * (4/7).

Standard elite starting array with racial bonus for Pathfinder is 17/14/13/12/10/8. Conveniently, the total of these scores with their modifiers is exactly 80.

80 * 40/7 ~ 450 XP

This implies that a starting Pathfinder character is roughly equivalent to a starting Genesys character with an extra 170 starting XP. (I.e., 2/2/2/2/2/2 +270 XP instead of +100) Possible Genesys arrays basically range from 5/5/3/2/2/2 to 4/4/3/3/3/3.

Please note that the above tables are for NPC/Monster conversion, and NOT for PCs.

1 hour ago, CMink said:

with an extra 170 starting XP. (I.e., 2/2/2/2/2/2 +270 XP instead of +100)

a starting fantasy race is roughly 300 XP -- around 180-190 for attributes; 10-30 racial talents and skills and 80-100 free to assign -- this should not be changed, unless you want a high powered game style.

  • 180 XP = 2/2/2/2/2/2
  • 190 XP = 3/2/2/2/2/1
  • 210 XP = 3/2/2/2/2/2


Standard elite starting array with racial bonus for Pathfinder is 17/14/13/12/10/8.

that would be 3/3/3/3/2/2 (4*60 + 2*30 = 300 XP).

a Genesys PC would have 2-3 Tier 1 Talents representing the 14/13/12 rated characteristics instead of having an actual rating of "3"
(and being much cheaper, ie. 3*5 = 15XP vs 3*30 = 90XP).

1 hour ago, CMink said:

Conveniently, the total of these scores with their modifiers is exactly 80.

80 * 40/7 ~ 450 XP

bad habit to sum everything up without looking at the conversion table -- the formula is only for orientation on how the table came into existence.

Edited by Terefang

Well I tested this out and the goblin in pathfinder would start with 2 Brawn(-1 for being small), 3 Reflex (stays the same for small), 2 Cunning, 2 Intellect, Presence 2

WT: 2.25 = (3 Unmodified brawn*0.75)

So what about wound threshold would you round up or down. Also in Edge of the Empire small creatures (ie jawas) are considered Silhouette 0.

" Silhouettes range from 0 to 10. Silhouette 0 is something smaller than a human (such as a specific starship
component, a Jawa, or an astromech droid) and silhouette 1 is something the size of an adult human."

Pg. 224 of the Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook.

Also what adjustments do you make for minion, rival, and nemesis.


pg 45 Genesys CRB:

Your character’s starting wound threshold is determined
by adding the wound threshold for their archetype or
species to their Brawn rating (after spending starting XP).

ie. Small: 8 + T (from column "WT")


pg 23 CRB:

always round up.

ie. 8 + (3 * 0.75) = 11


pg. 202 CRB:

Minions should generally have wound thresholds of 3 to 5, never higher than 7.

Rivals should have wound thresholds between 10 and 15 (unless the rival is a creature or monster, in which case you can go as high as 20 to 25).

Nemeses can have wound thresholds of 10 to 20 (with giant creatures and monsters being potentially higher).

  • Minion: WT * (between 0.1 and 0.33; i would use 0.25)
  • Rivals: WT * (between 0.5 and 0.9; i would use 0.75)
  • Memesis: WT * (between 1.0 and 2.0; i would use 1.5)

ie. for the Kobold Minion Final WT = 11 * 0.25 = 3

Edited by Terefang

I like the changes actualy. The only thing I would change though is the silhouette for small from 1 to 0 so that a giant fighting a half-ling would be harder to hit. How did you handles Items?

Do you factor Constitution into the brawl characteristic at all. Because goblins get Brawn 3 if you do this formula: 10 * (Str + Con/2) + PFMod *4/7

and you get Brawn 2 if you go 10 * (Str) + PFMod *4/7

7 hours ago, sevick said:

Do you factor Constitution into the brawl characteristic at all. Because goblins get Brawn 3 if you do this formula: 10 * (Str + Con/2) + PFMod *4/7

yes, CON should factor into Brawn.

yet, it is debatable which factor should be used; i used XP = 10 * (((STR+CON)/2)+((STRmod+CONmod)/2)) * (4/7)

so your basic goblin scaled to various sizes would look like:

Goblin 2 3 2 2 2 1 Small Normal 4 11 12
Goblin 2 3 2 2 2 1 Small Minion 4 3 12
Goblin 2 3 2 2 2 1 Small Rival 4 8 12
Goblin 2 3 2 2 2 1 Small Nemeses 4 17 12

Edited by Terefang
15 minutes ago, Terefang said:

10 * (((STR+CON)/2)+((STRmod+CONmod)/2)) * (4/7)

And people complained about the math in the HERO system/Champions. :P

9 hours ago, sevick said:

The only thing I would change though is the silhouette for small from 1 to 0 so that a giant fighting a half-ling would be harder to hit.

i would use silhouette as is, but apply situational boost/setback die, or upgrade difficulty once (ie. change one difficulty die for a challenge die)

17 minutes ago, lyinggod said:

And people complained about the math in the HERO system/Champions. :P

:rolleyes: me too, ... , but once you suffered from calc/excel -- it actually gets worse.

Edited by Terefang
11 hours ago, Terefang said:

yes, CON should factor into Brawn.

yet, it is debatable which factor should be used; i used XP = 10 * (((STR+CON)/2)+((STRmod+CONmod)/2)) * (4/7)

I assume the same holds true for figuring Cunning, using the stats Wis and Int? You wouldn't happen to have PDF you could upload or something with these conversion formulas would you? You seem to have a better understanding on converting from Pathfinder. I am making a spreadsheet to calculate this out. Also I don't know what you mean by STRmod and CONmod are you talking about the stats tied to the Pathfinder Attributes on page 17 of the Pathfinder Core? Or is it Mod1, Mod2, Mod3, or Mod4?

Edited by sevick
6 minutes ago, Terefang said:

here the spreadsheet


Wow this awesome. Thanks. Were you planning on adding formulas for weapons and items too?

20 hours ago, sevick said:

How did you handles Items?

we only use narrative magical items (read: works similar to the rituals of 4e and mostly out of combat)

3 minutes ago, sevick said:

Thanks. Were you planning on adding formulas for weapons and items too?

i would use melee/ranged weapons as given in Genesys (my home group still uses the warhammer list)

if you want more, take a look at the blackwater conversion:

3 minutes ago, Terefang said:

i would use melee/ranged weapons as given in Genesys (my home group still uses the warhammer list)

if you want more, take a look at the blackwater conversion:

Hmm the Genesys weapons while good there is like a handful. I guess those black water weapons is good start. I would still like to convert the weapons and armor found in the pathfinder core book using some formulas. I guess my own method of doing so will work for now. Do you have any suggestions if I was going to do that.

I don't know if you are familiar with the beast riding rules found in Stay on target or not. I converted a horse (Rival) using your spreadsheet and used the rules from stay on target to generate the handling of the horse and it turned out to have -2 handling, and Max speed of 1. So some modifications might need to be made when converting it to beast riding rules.

Max speed is calculated: Agility/2 rounded up

Handling is: Agility - Silhouette - Willpower

Edit: Also the horse ended up having 6 soak,that seems a little op

Edit: Also I didn't think big was a category in pathfinder. I guess it maybe applicable to other d20 games.

Edited by sevick

I tweaked your way of calculating WT by lowering the amount changed with each size increment. EotE the stats for creatures didn't seem to get that high and made very slight changes to WT, soak, and characteristics since their was no easy way for a character to increase those stats.

Also characteristics should not be affected by size. Those stats are already reflected by the base attributes in pathfinder. Adjusting these stats only compound what is already been added in and inflating the soak to unmanageable levels.

Wound Threshold

Wound Threshold is figured by the size of the creature 1st


Wound Threshold Mod 1


6 + Brawn Rating x0.5


7 + Brawn Rating x0.33


8 + Brawn Rating x0.66


9 + Brawn Rating x0.75


10 + Brawn Rating x1


11 + Brawn Rating x1.5


12 + Brawn Rating x2


13 + Brawn Rating x3


14 + Brawn Rating x4

Then it is adjusted according to Enemy Type:

Enemy Type

Wound Threshold


WT Mod 1 x0.25


WT Mod 1 x0.75


WT Mod 1 x1.5

*Round up after final calculations

I may have to do some more tweaking after converting some late game enemies to see how powerful or under powered they are.

Edited by sevick
6 hours ago, sevick said:

Also characteristics should not be affected by size. Those stats are already reflected by the base attributes in pathfinder.

i usually find the medium size attributes (STR, DEX, CON) for the creature (eg. for dragons)
and enter that in the spreadsheet and afterward use the size dropdown

also note that the spreadsheet is the one i used for DnD to Warhammer conversion,
so you may want to add a -1 here and there because Genesys uses a more arkward
presentation of numbers

please note that the actual stats have to be modified anyway by hand,
since the Genesys way of representing high characteristics is by actual lower numbers
and added Talents/Features (like Adversary, etc)
or modifying derived stats (Soak, Defence, WT, ST, ...) directly

yet the way of building Monsters in Genesys leave much to be desired, unless you narrate that away :angry:

7 hours ago, sevick said:

I tweaked your way of calculating WT by lowering the amount changed with each size increment.

EotE the stats for creatures didn't seem to get that high and made very slight changes to WT, ...

first of all the "Big" and "Titanic" size categories were there for a scaleability reason, your milage may vary.

second, you are free to modify to your liking and play-style.

for myself, i align Genesys Fantasy more towards Warhammer (the ancestor of EotE and Genesys) and its death spiral.

On 12/27/2017 at 8:21 AM, Terefang said:

Size SIZ Class Wgt(lb) H/L(ft) Sil. Mod1 Mod2 Mod3 Mod4 WT Min Max Reach
Fine/Miniscule 0/0 I 0-1 .1–.3 * -4 -2 x.05 x.25 2+T 0 7 .2ft
Diminutive 1/0 II 1-4 .5–1 0 -3 -1 x.1 x.5 5+T 1 6 .5ft
Tiny 2/0 III 4-16 1–2 0 -2 -1 x.33 x.66 6+T 1 6 1ft
Small 3/0 IV 16-64 2–4 1 -1 ±0 x.66 x.75 8+T 1 5 3ft
Medium 4/1 V 64-250 4–8 1 ±0 ±0 x1 x1 10+T 1 5 5ft
Big 5/2 VI 250-1k 8–16 2 +1 ±0 x2 x1.5 15+T 1 4 5ft
Large 6/3 VII 1k-4k 16–32 2 +2 +1 x3 x2 20+T 2 4 10ft
Enormous/Huge 7/4 VIII 4k-16k 32–50 3 +3 +1 x6 x3 30+T 3 3 15ft
Gigantic/Gargantuan 8/5 IX 16k-64k 50-100 4 +4 +2 x8 x4 40+T 4 3 20ft
Colossal/Enormous 9/6 X 64k-250k 100-250 5 +5 +2 x12 x5 50+T 5 2 25ft
Titanic 10/7 XI 250k+ 250+ 6 +6 +3 x16 x6 60+T 6 2 30ft

What does Mod1 Mod 2 Mod 3 and Mod3 mean? Is it related to pathfinder attributes?


On 8/11/2018 at 2:12 AM, Shubert1969 said:

What does Mod1 Mod 2 Mod 3 and Mod3 mean? Is it related to pathfinder attributes?

these are modifiers to calculate final attribute values (explained below)

On 12/27/2017 at 4:21 PM, Terefang said:
  • ignore SIZ and Class, Wgt is Weight in lbs, H/L is Height/Length in ft, Sil. is Siluette, WT is Wound Threshold, Reach is average Melee Reachability (no range bands)
  • so to calculate final Brawn from medium/human-relative Brawn, i would add (Mod1) with a minimum of (Min).
  • as for actual Agility (Dexterity), i would subtract (Mod2) with a maximum of (Max); and yes i mean a Fine-sized Creature has +2 AGL.
  • Wound Threshold (WT) would be based on unmodified Brawn (ie. Toughness) and (Mod4)
  • if you want a hard movement stat (MOV), you can add Brawn+Agility (Physique+Dexterity) times (Mod3) or (Mod4) to get ft/second 

but you may want to adjust them based on setting and lethality as noted by @sevick above.

On 12/29/2017 at 1:01 PM, Terefang said:

also note that the spreadsheet is the one i used for DnD to Warhammer conversion,
so you may want to add a -1 here and there because Genesys uses a more arkward
presentation of numbers

please note that the actual stats have to be modified anyway by hand,
since the Genesys way of representing high characteristics is by actual lower numbers
and added Talents/Features (like Adversary, etc)
or modifying derived stats (Soak, Defence, WT, ST, ...) directly 

It's been a while since an update. Things in personal life have been busy and haven't had a chance to work on it much but will be getting back to soon. Just letting you all know I haven't abandoned the project yet.

After I have made and tested more converted Pathfinder content I plan on posting Fantasy Grounds Libraries for it. But I want to make sure they are balanced before committing to that.

Edited by sevick