Do you guys think that runewars will remain at those 200 point standard game? I remember that armada was released with 300 point standard format but then it changed to 400 and im wondering if something similar would happen to runewars.
Point limit
I think if the game will find more audience that will eventually go up to 300 points army
We played 250 point games when the Elves hit the store. But for the last month we have been playing 300 point games. Now that we have so many more units and models to chose from, it's quite nice. And even with corner set-up deployments, all our units fit. I'll admit that most games take 2 hours now at this point limit. But we still have fun.
We found out it was possible when we did a 2v2 game of 200 point armies. Just make sure you only set-up cards with the long table edges as possible picks. It makes the game less frustrating.
No. FFG specifically said when Armada was released that it would go to 400. They never did that with RMG