So, we've gotten a fair bit into out FaD-campaign and pretty much all of us players have our third spec/talent tree bought or at least picked out. The two force sensitive characters (of which I play one) both started with lightsabers specs (Ataru and Sii-cho) but have since then exclusively gone for specs boosting force rating (Exile/Armorer for one, Aggressor/Sentry for the other) because Force rating... is really **** good.
Increasing force rating pretty much every force power and talent you have picked up until then, and makes new ones more attractive because you can do more with them and combine more of them. Thats all fine, but...
It pretty much kills any incentive to ever branch out into the more mundane specs, because "skipping" a level of force rating feels like such a waste.
The only reason I can think of to go for a "mundane" spec would be if you were going for a really specilised, focused build, like a pilot or a tinkerer-crafter. Those two in particular currently only have two trees each (stafighter ace/racer and armourer/artisan) that directly boost that theme, and even they would greatly benefit from a force rating above the 3 you can generally get out of two trees.
Personally, I like to branch out, and with the wide variety of force specs available, I can't really justify going for the mundane specs, no matter how attractive they otherwise are.
In the case that I should ever run a FaD campaign, I've tried coming up with some kind of artificial or story based limit on force rating/force specs, but I'm kind of stumbling around on how to word it.
Simply restricting the players from purchasing the force rating talents until certain story elements are in place (the presence of a mentor or other opportunity to deepen one's connection to/understanding of the force) wouldn't really encourage branching so much as working oneself through the trees and stopping at the force rating talents, and just pouncing on them as soon as the restrictions are lifted.
So maybe a spec-based limit like forcing the players to pick a "mundane" spec for every one (or two, or three) force sensitive spec they pick? It might feel needlessly restrictive though, if all you want to do with your character is to explore the force.
Another ideas it to tie maximum force rating to XP total, at pace of perhaps 1FR per 200-300 total xp, or perhaps earned xp. That wouldnt force a spec on anyone, as if they want to dedicate themselves, to a purely force using character, there should be enough skills and force powers to spend XP on to hit the next tier.
Or maybe just simply have to characters start as a mundane career/spec and start them of with 20 bonus xp that must be spent on either the exile or emergent universal tree. The EotE/AoR specs tend to gel better with the ones within their career than the FaD ones, so having access to 2-5 cheaper trees that play well with your starting tree might be enough incentive to go mundane, but it might be something of a disappointing start for those who like to get into the lightsabering as soon as possible, and perhaps a perceived load for those just want to play a force user and make them feel punished for paying extra for their force user specs.
Do you guys have any thoughts on this?