Do you Increase your threat every round?

By Myrick04, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

A little background, I’ve been playing this game for a long time. And me and my fellow players just read a rule stating every round you increase your threat according to your threat level. It stresses me out because it is extremely overpoweted. With 2 experienced players and 1 noob on the rebel side even with the 3 extra health per hero and extra activation token we lose numerous rounds against the semi-experienced imperial. So that brings me to my question . Are we playing that right? Do the imperials actually increase their threat according to their threat level every round? If so do you play it that way? And are they allowed to use that threat to buy garrison that game? Personally I cannot stand it and it effects the game and makes it less enjoyable, we lose aftermath now fom the overwhelming amount of imperials.

Yes, the threat increases by the threat level at the beginning of every status phase to deploy or reinforce groups. So for Aftermath the Imperial player gets 2 threat per round.

I’m not sure how this is overpowered. It’s enough to deploy an Officer or reinforce a Stormtrooper, which isn’t much (three health).

Maybe you’re making another rule mistake? Could you give a little more detail regarding why you’re having trouble defeating units?

Edited by Uninvited Guest

Sorry I read your post in another thread and it sounds like you might be increasing threat exponentially each round? If the threat level is 2 the imp only gets 2 more threat each round (unless an event triggers something...). So in aftermath the imp. player shouldn't really be able to swarm the rebels.

The most common mistake is mixing Threat (the threat counter value, using the threat symbol) and Threat Level from the campaign log (usually a constant during each mission). (It does not sound like you are making that mistake, unless the IP is not paying for the deployments correctly. Maybe you have some issue in performing attacks.)

You can read through a few plays of Aftermath from my campaigns:

Edited by a1bert