Kari - Latari units

By namelessone81, in Runewars Tactics

Having Kari you can include a non unique infantry unit from the Latari faction . My question is that if I include a 6 tray Latari archers can I equip them with Latari infantry commanders ?

No you cannot. Only in-faction upgrades. 3rd page of the rules reference.

37 minutes ago, ScottGilbert25 said:

No you cannot. Only in-faction upgrades. 3rd page of the rules reference.

Thnx my friend I missed that ;)

54 minutes ago, ScottGilbert25 said:

No you cannot. Only in-faction upgrades. 3rd page of the rules reference.


FAQ, pg8. Any unit from a faction not of the main army can only get upgrades without faction icons.