———— > Totally up to the GM. Could be a mixture of bits from several existing attributes even. ———— > Latter. ——— > No difficulty listed, so it’s a straight up roll vs the value. ———— > Regain means you can’t get more than you have lost, so you can’t go above your threshold. ———— > Doesn’t say so, so no. ——— > Daemonhost. I’d generally class those as From Beyond as a daemon is involved. ———— > It takes as long as would be dramatically appropriate ———— > It can’t go below 0, but other than that just divide by two and round down. ———— > The latter - if you rolled something that just didn’t fit into the nature of that dybuk, then ignore and roll again. Ditto really for any roll like this for NPCs. ———— > NPCs can always break the rules for calculated things like Movement, so go with the stats (though of course GM can alter them as desired). |