I was wondering how is people doing or whats your thoughts @ the increased longevity of characters with the new cards.
Ive been playing games (I normally play Crane) vs my friend who plays Crab and the survavility of his characters is over the top.
Between reprieve, iron mine, rebuild and vanguard Ive had characters last 5-6 rounds (like the full game). That wouldnt be that bad if it didn't extend the lifespan of awesome attachments like Spyglass, Talisman of the Sun, Watch Commander.
To be honest I had a last game in which a Kaiu Suichi had these 3 plus Favoured Mount and other less important attachments (fantana) and it was impossible to get rid of him. At a certain point I had a few noble sacrifies but he had reprieve and iron mines in a province. So that was a bad plan: sacrificing 2 of my chars for nothing and leaving me exposed to Way of the Crab.
It was pretty much a nightmare as this beast would (every turn) draw cards, draw fate, send my attacks to pilgrimage or defend the wall. Im not sure attachments cost are balanced around the attachments lasting the whole game. Like a 0 cost Katana that will normally grant you +4-6 military on average will give you up to +12 military in conflicts along the game. Thats a big improvement in efficiency. And its even worse with more powerful effects.
It wasnt that bad before Iron Mines + Rebuild combo. Not much you can do atm vs Iron Mines. And rebuild. They are basically free counters to your assassination, noble sacrifice, i can swim... And cant be countered themselves.
So Im wondering what do you ppl think. I think we need some earthquake event: remove holdign from the game (so it cant be rebuilded) or some other tech vs holdings.
Edited by Shosur0