SOB Megaquestions (I.E. from our Campaign - Attack of the Sparkly Vampire)

By, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Some questions from my party of min maxing heroes. (forgive some "questionable" questions, my heroes sometimes know not what they ask).


1) When leaving the boat can figures jump over the first deep water tile to avoid the additional fatigure loss?

2) When outfitting a boat at the start (assuming no upgrades) do you start with only one cannon (the coldsteel)?

3) Can you only upgrade the no. of cannons by the number in the deck?

4) Can a cannon be moved to a new position and how?

5) Can Mata and Kata drop items on glyph spaces

6) Is spry really just worse than tiger tatoo as a skill (tiger tatoo gets the same stuff + pit trap protection)

7) Golems have swim? Really!?!

Also, just as a vague question, what do you think is a normal/ acceptable difference in conquest between the overlord and heroes. Higher conquest amounts for the overlord is normal but I'm just wondering when the players should start to sweatin'.

Thanks for any help here


1) When leaving the boat can figures jump over the first deep water tile to avoid the additional fatigure loss?

Hmmm... the rules don't say if you can jump over water in an outdoor encounter here. I'd say "yes" myself as RtL allowed you to jump over water spaces in outdoor encounters. But don't forget about swinging off the ropes on the ships, too.

2) When outfitting a boat at the start (assuming no upgrades) do you start with only one cannon (the coldsteel)?

Yes, you only start out with one Coldsteel Cannon.

3) Can you only upgrade the no. of cannons by the number in the deck?

No, you can purchase as many cannons as you want, but you can only place as many as you have spots on the deck. This way, you can customize what you have on deck for the encounter.

4) Can a cannon be moved to a new position and how?

A cannon can't be moved during an encounter. So make sure to place it where it'll do the most good at the start.

5) Can Mata and Kata items on glyph spaces?

I would say "no". The glyph is not considered an empty space, so nothing other than figures or familiars can move on or end their turn on a glyph.

6) Is spry really just worse than tiger tatoo as a skill (tiger tatoo gets the same stuff + pit trap protection)?

Pretty much, other than the fact that Spry is a Subterfuge Skill and just comes with SoB, vs. Tiger Tattoo which is Fighting and requires AoD to get.

7) Golems have swim? Really!?!

Really. My assumption is that as they don't breathe and don't really care if they're walking on the sea floor, then they really aren't hampered by the water. Same thing with Giants.

Nakarashi said:

1) When leaving the boat can figures jump over the first deep water tile to avoid the additional fatigure loss?

Hmmm... the rules don't say if you can jump over water in an outdoor encounter here. I'd say "yes" myself as RtL allowed you to jump over water spaces in outdoor encounters. But don't forget about swinging off the ropes on the ships, too.

You were allowed to jump over water spaces in RtL outdoor encounters? I certainly don't remember that being the case. Of course, I also don't remember coming across an outdoor tile that had water in spaces worth jumping over, so maybe we forgot about that rule since it never came up in our games.

Steve-O said:

Nakarashi said:

1) When leaving the boat can figures jump over the first deep water tile to avoid the additional fatigure loss?

Hmmm... the rules don't say if you can jump over water in an outdoor encounter here. I'd say "yes" myself as RtL allowed you to jump over water spaces in outdoor encounters. But don't forget about swinging off the ropes on the ships, too.

You were allowed to jump over water spaces in RtL outdoor encounters? I certainly don't remember that being the case. Of course, I also don't remember coming across an outdoor tile that had water in spaces worth jumping over, so maybe we forgot about that rule since it never came up in our games.

No , you aren't.

RtL pg 27
Block Movement? Yes
Block Line of Sight? No
Water cannot be jumped.

Since deep water is not impassable in SoB, and presumably is an obstacle (we won't actually find out until a FAQ is released), it is reasonable to suggest that it can be jumped the same way as other non-impassable obstacles. Assuming of course you aren't in Deep water at the start of the jump! So although the reasoning was wrong, the answer was still likely correct.

Water (In Dungeon)
Block Movement? Yes
Block Line of Sight? No
Water cannot be jumped.

Water (Shallow)
Block Movement? Yes
Block Line of Sight? No
It costs two movement points to enter a shallow
water space. Figures in shallow water cannot jump.

Water (Deep)
Block Movement? Yes
Block Line of Sight? No
It costs two movement points to enter a deep water space. In
addition, heroes entering a deep water space must spend one
fatigue, plus one additional fatigue for every point of armor
(including both natural and worn armor, rounded down) they
have. For every point of fatigue a hero cannot or will not pay,
he loses one wound (ignoring armor). Figures in deep water
cannot jump.

This is from FAQ

Q: Why can’t I jump over water like I can pits?
A: As every hero knows, the dank water found in subterranean caverns is usually infested with deadly bloodsquids, ready to pull an unwary hero to his doom at a moment’s notice. As a result, only the most acrobatic heroes dare to leap across even the most innocent-seeming pools of water.

So the water in outdoor encounters and islands are not the same with water in dungeon

Yes you can jump over these waters

All that makes perfect sense. Thanks for the help.

Only other thing of interest was regarding what you typically see as OL to Hero conquest differences. The heroes are about 50 points behind in conquest (29 - 78) with them being a little more than half way through copper. Divine Favor is getting ready to trigger the second time which would lower all heros conquest by 2. I know this is all situational and pretty vague but some rule of thumb would be helpful to ease the heroes worries.

Other items to note that may factor in

Avatar - The Count

Upgrades - Siren + Eldritch Upgrade to Silver + Bloodsuckers

What do you think?


I hated water in the outdoor encounter tiles from RtL. Mainly because I was the OL and there were many spots where a 2x2 creature could get stuck because of one silly water tile...


Slapul said:

Water (In Dungeon)
Block Movement? Yes
Block Line of Sight? No
Water cannot be jumped.

Water (Shallow)
Block Movement? Yes
Block Line of Sight? No
It costs two movement points to enter a shallow
water space. Figures in shallow water cannot jump.

Water (Deep)
Block Movement? Yes
Block Line of Sight? No
It costs two movement points to enter a deep water space. In
addition, heroes entering a deep water space must spend one
fatigue, plus one additional fatigue for every point of armor
(including both natural and worn armor, rounded down) they
have. For every point of fatigue a hero cannot or will not pay,
he loses one wound (ignoring armor). Figures in deep water
cannot jump.

This is from FAQ

Q: Why can’t I jump over water like I can pits?
A: As every hero knows, the dank water found in subterranean caverns is usually infested with deadly bloodsquids, ready to pull an unwary hero to his doom at a moment’s notice. As a result, only the most acrobatic heroes dare to leap across even the most innocent-seeming pools of water.

So the water in outdoor encounters and islands are not the same with water in dungeon

Yes you can jump over these waters

The description for shallow and deep water came out with SoB, not RtL. Where does it say in the RtL rules you can jump water outdoors?

The first post was for SOB so i didn't know we're talking about RTL