- Any purchase outside of your current school rank now contributes half of its experience value to your current school rank.
- Rings are no longer included in school curriculums.
- Experience to complete school ranks is going to be increased significantly.
- Recommended experience rewards will be dropped to one per hour of play, with two per hour and/or discretionary bonuses for milestones offered as an option for GMs.
- Encourage players to think about the character motives fundamental to samurai drama.
- Give players a feeling of agency in the resolution of their characters’ inner turmoil.
- Give the GM a way to engage the specific samurai drama stories the players want to tell.
We feel that objectives 1 and 3 are being met by the current system. However, we agree with player comments that objective 2 is not being satisfied: the current system offers guidance and light mechanical implications of pursuing/ignoring one’s duty or desires, but generally leaves it in the hands of the GM to dangle plot hooks before the players.