Imperial Base Defense

By impspy, in X-Wing Battle Reports

So after beating my head in with running triple Imperial Aces and having limited luck I decided to radically switch up my game build for my group's weekly meetup. I recently acquired 2 gunboats and love them; the 22 Point Nu-Harpooners is massively OP for the price. I was matched up against an opponent flying Dash in his YT-1300 with PTL, Engine Upgrade, and HLC, Fenn Rau in a Shelthipied, and a Gree Sqaudron A Wing pilot with snap shot. I call them the "Imperial Base Defense" because thematically it made sense that a base would not have any aces defending it and I'm a sucker for some of the more mundane aspects of day-to-day life in Imperial space.

I ran:

2x Nu-Harpooners w/Long-Range Scanners (22 each)

Scimitar Squadron Bomber with LWF and Unguided Rockets (20)

3x Academy Pilots (12 each)

My opponent was caught off guard the first round due to the sheer amount of ships and hull to destroy. His hyper focused on the Bomber which allowed the Nu's and TIEs to inflict lots of damage on all 3 of his ships. By the end I had destroyed the Shelthipied and had his A-Wing down to 1 hull and his YT-1300 down to 3.

The second round (same opponent) was a bit more balanced. It looked better on paper (I destroyed both the Shelthipied and the A-Wing) by the time I had destroyed the first 2 ships I had lost all but the Bomber and 2 TIE Fighters, who were chewed up by Dash in short order.

I loved flying this list because I had so many options. My formation flying needs some work and I did not keep the Gunboats at a long enough range to use the Harpoons as effectively as I should have (only got off a couple of shots with them due to range issues), but overall I think with some more practice it has potential. The ability of Dash to ignore obstacles and move last made him very hard to pin down so this may not have been the best list to fly against him, but it wasn't as one-sided as I had feared.

Edited by impspy