I want to know why you keep doing these preview waves, because frankly they are bad for the game. I get that most other games do them and you want to too but As a player, I can say the way you've been doing them has been awful for a few reasons.
First, not having solid launch dates sucks. I saw Yoda spoiled what feels like Months ago now, and I've been testing with a proxy for an upcoming regional. The problem is that when I started to do so, we expected early December as the release, which when the set was announced in September wasn't an outrageous assumption, even if it was ultimately wrong. However when December came round and it was clear the set got move back, I thought, that's fine It'll still be out before Feburary. The 15th came round and, Europe got it early too! That's cool, means it should be out soon right? But nope, we are looking at a Mid January preview. Unless the set launches the week after, which why wouldn't you just say so if that's the case, I'm SOL and should start over and test something else. That is a real NPE and disincentives me actually keeping up with and being invested in your game. While I have my own fault in all this too as I am the one who assumed, I'm sure I'm not the only one. The clear solution for this is solid launch dates, and if cutting out the Previews help that then please do.
Second, limited releases like the one Legacies has seen in Europe and Spirit of Rebellion are problematic in that they currently aren't set up in a way to be conducive for players. In a best case scenario, players get a taste of product that wets the appetite for when the set actually launches. In practice, artificial scarcity creates inflated prices for product and it creates player dissatisfaction when they can't get product. Because, I've heard stories of people who happened to snipe all their lgs' cases and I've seen it with Rivals here in the US too. This just means that you make people frustrated, but more so when people have to play against those cards that are in the wild that they can't even buy it doesn't feel very fair. Yes, you have a 2 week policy for legality from street date, but tell that to someone who's just playing casually or to stores who don't know the rules as well. Now, different regions having different releases is a necessary evil so for clarity I'm not complaining that NA doesn't have product vs the EU here. I'm saying that anyone within a region getting product early sucks. I simply think the bad will you create doing these(as you currently are doing them) intrinsically defeats the benefit of doing them in the first place.
All that said, I'm sure there are efforts behind the scenes that pushed you into making you do these(perhaps Big Papa Disney wanting a tie in, or something up with Asmodee). Regardless, what can we do to fix this issue? I think the key lessons are simple(aka a tldr):
- Commit to solid launch dates. Like, wait to announce sets if you have to to give realistic launch dates.
- Curtail spoilers in closer to set launch, as to not kill hype from delays. Plus Legacies was definitely announced too soon after EaW anyways.
- Pre-product shouldn't ever delay the proper launch of a set.
- If you must do "pre" product, make the window between launch and pre- product as soon as possible to manage dissatisfaction with scarcity.