Me and Friend Just Ordered Starter Sets!

By Dainank, in Star Wars: Destiny


I am completely new to this game, but have played many other card games before (a lot from FFG)! I was just wondering what the limitations are of just having two core sets besides of course lack of variation and deck building options from the cards available from the starter sets!

Many Thanks!

None beyond the basics. You play 30 points of characters and one plot, your deck contains 30 cards and no more than two copies of a card.

Welcome to the Rabbit Hole


Welcome to the Community. As a newer player myself, I can say that as long you like a little salt in your diet, this is a GREAT place to hang out and talk Destiny. Just to be clear, did you and your friend or 1 or 2 of each starter? ( Total of 2 Starters or 4). The reason I ask is that while you can have a lot of fun with each player having a single starter you will not have a full 30 card deck. Because there are starter-only cards that are "good" many people suggest buying 2 copies of each Starter so you will have a full complement of the cards you want to play. This also helps if you want to play Elite versions of characters that only come with a single die.

Either way, you have taken your first steps. Strap in, you're about to make the jump.

Umm which starters? There are now 3 available, depending on where you are located.

Either way, you'll need two starters of one faction to make a full deck or just two of the 2 player starters to make two full decks - hero and villain.

Buying a few boosters from any set will quickly flush out those decks.

After picking up 2 of the two player sets, I would suggest buying one pack of each set just to give some flexibility and you don't have to worry about drawing the same cards. New stuff are just weeks away. I would also suggest that the two of you same up and get a case of boosters when it becomes available.

Edited by ozmodon

Just buy some low cost singles. It will make the game more fun.

Thank you for all of the responses!

This is great!

We each bought one start set!

I am loving the card game thus far! We ordered the two new starter sets and a few boosters now too so we can make our own decks!