On 19.04.2018 at 10:36 PM, caseycheesecake said:Unicorn needs better dynasty characters - flat out.
My ideas:
2/3/-/1 bushi, cavalry "Reaction: After an opponent declares defenders to a conflict in which this character is participating, if the attackers number more than the defenders, bow a defender."
2/2/1/2 bushi, cavalry "Action: Move to a conflict and honor a participating Unicorn character."Not sure about how they'll create somebody to match Tadaka/Kisada/etc...but they need somebody that actually scares the other clan when they hit the board.
I don't like the first one, because it makes move in effects weaker and is telegraphed. Unicorn needs move out effects for this to work.
The second one is extremly strong and would definitly scare your oponent. I'd put its powerlevel above Brash Samurai. The only thing that is worse is that Brash Samurai can initiate a conflict by himself and trigger his action, while this one can't
15 hours ago, Aurvang said:One could only wish
I want better chars in the dinasty too , and if a man can dream: Otaku Kamoko with an amazing gamechanging ability
Let me try
Otaku Kamoko
4/4/4/2 Bushi. Cavalry. Battle Maiden
While Otaku Kamoko is in a MIL conflict gains +3MIL
Action: Bow a char with lower MIL stat than kamoko
maybe a lil OP but yeah.
This card would even be completely broken without the +3mil part. Bowing characters without the need of a conflict is simply stupid.
Edited by Ignithas