ji finaly have time to paint. I've tried wet blending for the first time ever on a mini and im pretty happy with the effect(keep in mind that those reanimates are still work in progress)
Edited by Warlordus
ji finaly have time to paint. I've tried wet blending for the first time ever on a mini and im pretty happy with the effect(keep in mind that those reanimates are still work in progress)
Edited by Warlordus
Very nice for a first time wet blending
Those are some funky cloaks.
Edited by PoldaImpressive! I'm too afraid to try wet blending yet.
1 hour ago, Budgernaut said:Impressive! I'm too afraid to try wet blending yet.
dive it, it is the easiest type of blending and gives pretty universally good results. Just a real pain in my climate (I need to use drying retarder on at least 1 of the paints, the first one down usually).
8 hours ago, Darthain said:dive it, it is the easiest type of blending and gives pretty universally good results. Just a real pain in my climate (I need to use drying retarder on at least 1 of the paints, the first one down usually).
i've used vallejo glaze medium as a retarder and it works pretty well
Finished base colors on 2 trays on reanimates also added a wash. Now i want to finish off the base on the second tray and then ill go straight to highlighting
Im pretty happy with the bases on those guys.
Finally I've compleated my first tray of reanimates. Maby on a later date i will highlight the armor but im happy as they are right now. I have too many trays even not started yet. Please give me your feedback
Haven't seen too many (any?) yellow/orange eye glow on the Reanimates yet. It's a nice touch.
Nice highlights, was a bit worried you went a bit heavy with the wash but you brought it back round.
15 hours ago, Budgernaut said:Haven't seen too many (any?) yellow/orange eye glow on the Reanimates yet. It's a nice touch.
i might just place another dot of white onto the eyes and glaze it lighter this time to keep that center glow more bright. But for know i think i will go with my carrion lancer as its something different. I'm thinking baout a carpace with the colorus as the cloaks on those guys but then the skin almost white (like the sorastro painted his carrion's skin)
Recently I've painted Ardus. Now i have to finish his scenic base, and in the background you can see a ghost steed (just started painting it) and Carrion lancer (also just started). What do you think about him?
Been painting some more. For now im working on my death knights and highlighting reanimates even more
Finished some more reanimates and scenic base for Ardus
Now Im working on both Champions. What do you think?
Nice job! I love the deep blue on the shields and your frozen ground looks amazing!