Excellence: A Kakita Yoshi's Pillow Book.

By Tetsuhiko, in L5R LCG: Lore Discussion

Ok, this is not my idea, but I found it so good I couldn't help but try to make it happen somehow. It was mentionned how different some stories would be if told in Yoshi's point of view instead, and I find the prospect hilarious. I'm not a writer myself, so let's make it a group effort.

Here's the plan:

1. Pinpoint the stories that can be told from his point of view. (He doesn't have to be active in the ficiton. He only must be able to somehow witness the events, or be in the known of certain elements so we can get his own interpretation. A good example is The Bright Flame of the World's Glory. He isn't part of the story, but it can reasonable be assumed he was present during the final duel and will certainly have very interesting things to think about it.

2. Write short stories, even if it is a few sentences or a paragaph for each of these fictions.

3. Assemble everything into a nice PDF called Excellence: The Beauty and Vagaries of a Blue Wisteria among Imperial Crysanthemum. It could be presented as Yoshi's Pillow Book, or personal diary.

I'm thinking a wiki or something similar where everyone can add, edit and discuss how the stories should be made. Let's say this is still unclear in my own head, therefore comments and new ideas are welcome.

Are you thinking first or third person person narrative?

So far, all fictions, although from a single character’s POV, have been third person narrative, but if you’re thinking about a diary, it should be first person.

Edited by Tabris2k

Probably first person, but the concept isn't set in stone yet, so it is still subject to change of course.