After watching Episode 8 (Spoiler Alert)...not sure if I want to play IA anymore

By karatechop, in Imperial Assault Campaign

FFG created fantastic Star Wars games. I play Star Wars LCG, Star Wars Destiny, and Imperial Assault, with Imperial Assault being my favorite. In my opinion, Episode 8 The Last Jedi was probably the worst film I've seen. With the Resistance (Rebel Alliance) at 20 people who can all fit in the Millenium Falcon, what's the point in playing these campaigns if we all know that the forces of good ultimately get destroyed? I was excited about the IA App, but can't think of a reason to even play now that I know what happens ultimately. Anybody else feeling the same way?

Have to be trolling O_o

Ultimately happens? When one door closes, another one opens. There are always new beginnings, even for people like us.

Actually, it's not like the resistance are only few ppl aboard Falcon. The movie made it clear, that there are other allies, that refused to join the final battle (which is quite obvious taking into consideration the strength of First Orders Fleet and the dire situation of the ppl hiding in the undergroung base). Also notice, that lasthe last scene cleary showed, that the spirit of the rebellion survived in younglings, who can join resistance (or jedi order) when they grow up.

Edited by Szycha
8 hours ago, karatechop said:

what's the point in playing these campaigns if we all know that the forces of good ultimately get destroyed? I was excited about the IA App, but can't think of a reason to even play now that I know what happens ultimately. Anybody else feeling the same way?

You know everything in Star Wars happened a long time ago in a galaxy far far away... so everyone is already dead and none of it matters. ?

Still going to play.

I could find out that this is a game based on fictionalized events and I'd still play. ;)

Yeah guys, The Last Jedi is the final Star Wars movie and the "forces of good ultimately get destroyed."

That's a wrap, the bad guys won. :P

Good lord, it's fine if you didn't like the film, but are you honestly going to let it ruin a series made roughly forty years ago?

9 hours ago, karatechop said:

FFG created fantastic Star Wars games. I play Star Wars LCG, Star Wars Destiny, and Imperial Assault, with Imperial Assault being my favorite. In my opinion, Episode 8 The Last Jedi was probably the worst film I've seen. With the Resistance (Rebel Alliance) at 20 people who can all fit in the Millenium Falcon, what's the point in playing these campaigns if we all know that the forces of good ultimately get destroyed? I was excited about the IA App, but can't think of a reason to even play now that I know what happens ultimately. Anybody else feeling the same way?

pretend the force awakens chapters never happened. I know i do :ph34r: :( :unsure:

In my mind the rebels are still fighting the good fight against good ol pulpyteen.

8 hours ago, a1bert said:

Ultimately happens? When one door closes, another one opens. There are always new beginnings, even for people like us.

When one door opens, usually there's an event of some sort ;)

Keep in mind that episode V ended in a down note as well.

56 minutes ago, Nohwear said:

Keep in mind that episode V ended in a down note as well.

Which is what made it the best movie of the series!

"That's what life is: a series of down endings. All Jedi had was a bunch of muppets!" :lol:

Yub Nub!

16 hours ago, karatechop said:

FFG created fantastic Star Wars games. I play Star Wars LCG, Star Wars Destiny, and Imperial Assault, with Imperial Assault being my favorite. In my opinion, Episode 8 The Last Jedi was probably the worst film I've seen. With the Resistance (Rebel Alliance) at 20 people who can all fit in the Millenium Falcon, what's the point in playing these campaigns if we all know that the forces of good ultimately get destroyed? I was excited about the IA App, but can't think of a reason to even play now that I know what happens ultimately. Anybody else feeling the same way?

There is still another movie coming which the god guys will win, the bad guys will lose and England will prevail.

I also thought that IA wasn't cannon anyway? If it's not cannon what does it matter what happened in the movies?

On 12/18/2017 at 0:55 AM, karatechop said:

FFG created fantastic Star Wars games. I play Star Wars LCG, Star Wars Destiny, and Imperial Assault, with Imperial Assault being my favorite.

Then I'm not sure I get your point ... If the game is good (and you are **** right it is pretty good!) then keep playing it.

On 12/18/2017 at 0:55 AM, karatechop said:

what's the point in playing these campaigns if we all know that the forces of good ultimately get destroyed? I was excited about the IA App, but can't think of a reason to even play now that I know what happens ultimately. Anybody else feeling the same way?

At lot of gamers out there do play WWII themed board games despite knowing how it ended up. Now Imperial assault, unlike WWII, is based on a fiction. They even removed the time period so you could have more freedom telling your own stories (Old Ben Kenobi and Jedi Knight Luke fighting side by side with your heroes!)

Anyway, something tells me IMPERIAL assault will not mess with any stuff from the new movies. So just play the game from the OT perspective, like if the future was still in movement and unclear. If they ever start releasing Rey or Poe Dameron figures it will probably be for a 2nd release entitled FIRST ORDER assault? (yeah I know there are no time period anymore but I hope FFG does not crosses "THAT" line with Imperial Assault.) Not sure I want to see Ben Kenobi and Snoke on the same board game (...yeah sure Snoke looks old enough for that, who knows!)

Edited by IanSolo_FFG

If you think the Resistance is down to 20 people, you weren't paying full attention to the film. And if you think Disney is going to have a franchise where the Evil Empire/First Order is allowed to win in the end, then you haven't been paying attention to the kinds of films and stories Disney has been telling for the past 70 years.

TLJ is the Empire of this series. It almost had to end on a down note.

I agree had TLJ was a terrible movie, but luckily IA has nothing to do with the Resistance or First Order, so until they switch IA to the new movies, it's not going to bother me when I play the game.

On 12/19/2017 at 1:37 PM, IanSolo_FFG said:

Anyway, something tells me IMPERIAL assault will not mess with any stuff from the new movies. So just play the game from the OT perspective, like if the future was still in movement and unclear. If they ever start releasing Rey or Poe Dameron figures it will probably be for a 2nd release entitled FIRST ORDER assault? (yeah I know there are no time period anymore but I hope FFG does not crosses "THAT" line with Imperial Assault.) Not sure I want to see Ben Kenobi and Snoke on the same board game (...yeah sure Snoke looks old enough for that, who knows!)

If it were a blister wave I’d actually be okay it because of skirmish. I mean, you can fly Poe and Luke together in X-wing.

I guess I’d be okay with it for campaign too in a “you don’t have to use them if you don’t want to” sense. I probably would use them personally.

Edited by Uninvited Guest


This makes you look like a drama queen, so please re-think your reaction. That's exactly the hyperbolic type of reaction I described and critizised in the spoiler-thread for 'The Last Jedi' in the main IA-forum here.